Monday, June 29, 2009

Jon and Kate's last show until August

I'm not even bothering with a recap- it was the same "How did we get here" story we've seen for years. A few new photos and a clip or two. Overall a bore.

One piece I will comment on is the fact that this show continues to rape the public and the children for ratings. Toward the end of the show, Kate whined about doing it all alone, and they showed clips from ALREADY COMPLETED SHOWS. They knew all about this divorce before they started this past season. Jon and Kate are truly sick people and TLC are marketing geniuses. Sheeple will never see through the facade and those who like snark will keep on with the show. They throw in some "current" couch confessionals and wha-la, they've 'dealt with" the Gosselin's new family situation.

News of the day:

The Christian Science Monitor is saying that the Kate cookbook is on hold. I sure as hell hope so. Listen to the podcast.

Kate is supposedly not talking to tabloids anymore- including her beloved People? We'll see.

Dr.CoolSex is up to hijinks again at YouTube with a new video.

People magazine is trying to explain the legalities of the divorce.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hide and Seek: Kate returns

Just Jared has posted some pretty telling pictures of Kate.

First, she has some big titties.
Second, she came home and even though we obviously can't see everything in pictures, I find it interesting that there are great shots of Jon with the kids around him but Kate--- no kisses for Kate, no pictures of her just being with her kids.

Don't get me wrong. I think Jon is as much of an asshole as Kate is. It just seems that the kids enjoy Jon's company more (and really, with his mental age, who wouldn't).

I am perplexed by the shirt off pic of Jon. Shudder.

I am also wondering WHY IN THE HELL the p-people can't get a picture of Kate while she's gone. They're all over Jon and yet, they don't pursue Kate. She's screwing everyone and their brother, I think, or she's going overboard on spa time. Is it the cash? I think there are enough Kate haters that we could get a pool going. And let's face it- it is all tax deductible for the magazines.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Zondervan to rape the public and publish Kate's "cookbook"

Zondervan is still going to publish the cookbook with a sale price of almost $20. Although they say that everyone should lift the family in prayer, they are still willing to take the silver and make money off the poor dears..... The book "Love is in the Mix" is a sham.

Kate is taking it all well. She's sunbathing in her driveway. Look at the new knockers.

Ick. Nast.

Scans are up!

Scans of this week's news are up at My Case Against Kate Gosselin.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Long arm of the law and the show

USA Today reports that the kids could be taken off the show. If that is true, then Kate would lose the show. Who wants to see her skanky twat for 30 minutes every Monday night?

Wednesday Roundup including the regular players

Happy Wednesday one and all. We have lots of goodies today.

First- the Gosselin Divorce papers from Radar Online. Keep up to date on the progress at Montogomery County.

Next we have Jon and Kate getting remarried- remember the good ol' days. I guess it was all lies.

In Touch Kate is falling apart. (Well boo hoo for her!)

"Kate Gosselin’s husband, Jon, was out of town on June 17, and with her trusted bodyguard Steve Neild nowhere in sight, the mother of eight tried in vain to keep it together. Her face a mask of pain, Kate walked alone to the edge of her driveway, where she spoke to another security guard named Luke. “He walked Kate back to the house, and you could see that she was breaking down,” says a witness. “She started wiping the tears from her eyes.” Before long, Kate was crying, the onlooker says, adding, “Luke was comforting her.” " (I'll bet he was..... getting paid for bonking the vulnerable soon to be divorcee)

OK: Various news outlets are reporting Deanna Hummel will be part of the show when it returns. OK says no. Us Magazine confirms the the same. Reality TV World says she is.

"There are no plans to use her. We are in hiatus and all future episodes haven't even been planned," the network says in a statement."

Star Magazine: Kate's not asking for custody.
"After filing for divorce against husband Jon on Monday, Kate Gosselin released a dramatic and cryptic statement that evening saying that over the course of the previous weekend, "Jon's activities have left me no choice but to file legal procedures in order to protect myself and our children." Kate has yet to explain what Jon's troubling "activities" were that their eight children needed protection from — but Star has learned that she didn't ask for custody of their kids in her divorce filing! "The filing does not contain a custody count at this time," Kate's Norristown, Penn.-based divorce attorney, Cheryl Young, tells Star in an exclusive interview. "Both parties are trying to work this out together behind the scenes as amicably as possible." According to records, Jon is being represented by attorney Charles Meyer.There was some mystery — and legal questions — as to why Kate, who lives with Jon in the Berks County town of Wernersville, filed her divorce forty miles away in Norristown, the county seat of Montgomery County. While Pennsylvania law states that a divorce action must be filed in the petitioner's county of residence, "the action can be filed in a different county if both parties agree to it beforehand," says Young. "That was the case in this action." The attorney adds that Montgomery County was chosen for convenience because both Jon and Kate's divorce attorneys are based there. And given the media scrutiny of the couple, "we felt that filing in a different county might make for a calmer environment," admits Young, who was referred to Kate by another attorney. The divorce action (below) shows that Kate and Jon listed a Sinking Spring, Penn., address — "possibly a business address," says Young — rather than their home address in Wernersville. Per Montgomery County law, the actual divorce file is normally sealed and not available to the public. " (Yes, I am sure that it is more publicity. It will be a long hot summer!)

People: Kate feels like she failed. (Well, duh! And yes, People Mag knew about the divorce ahead of time.)

NBC Philadelphia: Folks are just not happy about all the clamor.

View more news videos at:

ABC News ( This page has video on how she told the kids about the divorce.) said "Despite an announcement that divorce proceedings have begun, "Jon & Kate Plus 8" matriarch Kate Gosselin is still wearing her wedding ring because taking it off would devastate her children....Jon and Kate Gosselin broke the news to their children together, first by telling twins Cara and Mady.

The identical twins had very different reactions to the news.

"Mady was something. She said, 'I can't say this comes as much of a surprise. I could've guessed.'

But Cara just crumpled into tears. She was crying, and I was holding her in my arms like a baby," Kate Gosselin told People.

The Gosselins broke the news to their sextuplets by keeping it "light and airy."

The Gosselins, who are parents of 8-year-old twins and 5-year-old sextuplets, have decided to share their expansive $1.1 million home in southeastern Pennsylvania and rotate time there so that each parent gets to spend time with the children.

The children were told, "Daddy's not going to live here sometimes, but he'll come back half the time and we'll trade on and off."

My Fox Philly says that Jon's moving to NYC and the kids will join him there to film:

"OK! East Coast News Editor Shauna Bass told that Jon Gosselin is in serious pursuit of a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo in Trump Place and his cable network, TLC, would foot part of the bill.
The kicker: TLC wants to shoot video of Jon Gosselin and his children in Manhattan, with his bachelor pad as the location for these episodes.
"The premise [is]... they can film the kids visiting dad in NYC, going to FAO Schwarz, taking carriage rides, in Central Park,” says OK!. “The producers are looking forward to scouting new locations and trying something completely different."
The idea of Jon Gosselin moving, at least partially, to a new city would also set the premise for a spinoff show from “Jon & Kate Plus 8.” "

Kate Fratti, from Philly Burbs hopes Kate fades into the woodwork.

More to come!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jon and Kate now have lawyers

According to an anon post,

Charlie Meyer is Jon's attorney. More info

Cheryl Young is Kate's attorney.

The names are correct- not sure about the personal info. From the AP.

PA Dept of Labor investigation

What ever happened to the investigation the PA Dept of Labor was making. Is the hiatus a chance for TLC and Kate to retool so that they don't get slapped with big fines?

10.6 ratings for the Greedy Gs

The Aftermath.....

So much to round up today guys and SO LITTLE TIME!! :)

I think everything Jon and Kate does is seriously calculated. No matter how stupid or misguided.

But first things, first. The divorce papers were filed in Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas in Norristown and supposedly they are sealed. Just so you know.

Here are examples with backlash from the press:

Jon is playing the victim this morning. According to Entertainment Tonight, Jon is hurt by Kate's comments. Boo hoo. His speeches sound highly rehearsed by an attorney. Plus, Jon Boy is still lying:

"This weekend, I was home with the kids for four days, just being a dad. No nannies, just the kids and me. In fact, with the exception of Aaden's visit to the doctor, I couldn't have imagined a better way to spend Fathers Day weekend."

We all saw the pics on TMZ, Radar Online, etc. There was clearly nannies and body guard type people present. Try again, Jon.

And speaking of lies, according to the AP and Kate herself, Jon and Kate have lived apart for TWO YEARS or more. So while the public are lead to believe they are a family, the show is a manufactured LIE. Additionally, I think this is a move by Kate to wave the 90 day waiting time to show they've been separated for the necessary time. She wants out so she can fuck her body guards some more. Or maybe her trainer. Who knows? Moreover rumors are circling the Net that people feel betrayed and want money back for Gosselin products- books, dvds, etc. Isn't all of this a bit like false advertising? And then what was the sham Hawaii wedding vow renewal all about- yes, a free trip for everyone.

Plus I wonder if the rumor about Steve living there has anything to do with Kate claiming Jon hasn't been living with her for 2 years. Kate's always out to do what's good for her.

And in the same article, here is what the divorce papers had to say, "Kate Gosselin says in divorce papers that she and her husband Jon have been living "separate and apart" for at least two years.
Gosselin filed for divorce Monday in Montgomery County Court in Pennsylvania, saying in papers that her 10-year marriage is "irretrievably broken."
She also says they have been unable to come to terms on how to divide their assets."

Jon is goint to take Kate to the cleaners. If they hadn't bought SO MUCH STUFF and saved their money, it would be easy. Give the money to the kids. You both go get jobs. The end.

At any rate, TMZ is not buying the idea that they've lived apart for two years.

"There's a report floating out there that Kate Gosselin has been separated from Jon for two years. That's not true, and we have the lowdown....There are two grounds for a no fault divorce in Pennsylvania -- the first is waiting 90 days after the papers have been served. Then, if both Jon and Kate agree the marriage is "irretrievably broken" ... the divorce can proceed. And there's a second option -- that they have lived separate and apart for 2 years. But that doesn't mean they have been separated for that long. It means she must wait 2 years from the moment she considered the marriage kaput and began living separately (if only in different bedrooms). We're told the real separation between Jon and Kate is very recent and Kate checked the box just to get the clock ticking.We found out Kate checked both boxes, and here's why. Jon may not agree that the marriage is irretrievably broken. If that's the case she has to wait the two years. So by checking both boxes, Kate is hedging her bets.Ultimately, she would have to prove to the judge when she considered herself separate from Jon. "

And then there is FAMILY. Kevin Kreider, who can't get enough of the spotlight, told US Weekly, "We're just so heartbroken and sad about the announcement that they made -- an announcement that could be so life-shattering to a young child, And it was used as a teaser, used to gain ratings, without any regards for my nieces and nephews. It was really hurtful. We were really sad to see that." Here is the video to go along with it.

And Aunti Jodi, looking as wide eyed crazy as usual, is talking about boycotting the show. If you listen to how Aunt Jodi on this one, you'll see that it was taped BEFORE the announcement. "We've been encouraged, mainstream media is picking up on this..." Obviously done before the announcement. WHO is cashing in on the kids now?

One of Jon's former classmates said, ""Jon thinks 'it is a shame what the world has come to' with the paparazzi surrounding his $1.1-million home that he would not even have without that very public attention. Now that the charade is over, maybe the remaining 30 percent of the viewers still watching will realize no one should be taking life advice from Jon or Kate. I won't be lining up for an autographed book anytime soon."

Well hell yes they used it as a teaser. The marriage is over. The show may be cancelled (Scroll to read about that!). They need to get their last licks in now.

After the announcement, TLC stated that the show was on hiatus. (Break out the bubbly!) Next Monday has some new footage but not much. The next fully new episode will be August 3rd. Almost enough time for a divorce, but not quite. Guess who supposedly wants the hiatus- TLC. Because they have a conscience? No, because they want to see which way the wind blows. If they can make cash, the kids will be back. (We'll know that soon enough with the p-people out there.)

Note this paragraph, "Because of all the turmoil in the Gosselin's marriage, TLC does not have enough footage to put together new episodes right now as its production schedule had become very last minute. Episodes this season were often completed as late as the day of airing."

I call bullshit on that. They had enough access to the Gs. They've been with them non-stop. This is another drama ploy. Will they be back or won't they? Ooooooh. I think they will. It will be a summer of plugging the Gs.

In fact, TLC's president told the NYT that it did come from them but they discussed various scenarios (ie. future scripting) and that the show being cancelled isn't even on the radar. If you want to let TLC know how you feel, contact TLC and ask for Eileen O’Neill. See her profile here.

This show was supposed to be about a family, a real family with multiple children who took the care of them day by day. It should have been celebrating not only birthdays but teeth and friends and the development of the children and the trials of the parents. But it became all about the trips and what they could get and the Gosselins never spent time together in a real sense. I am sure there's been no sex for years. (At least 2!)

More to come I'm sure. I will continue to post the juice about these wretched people.

Monday, June 22, 2009

6/22 Houses and Big Changes

While I clean up the play by play- chew on what Radar Online had to say about tonight.

Somber opener with Jon and Kate being cryptic about the announcement.

The kids got the crooked houses that we’ve seen since the start of the season. You can get them from a company in Maine. They are designed to look like a kid built them. It is whimsical but stupid. It would be better for the kids to really build them (granted these kids are too small but then… getting 4 houses at once is extravagant.

Jon clears out the back for them. He said he cleared it out in Winter. Then why are the leaves on the trees? He says the process is “a man thing” (or so he’s been told).

Kate is worried about putting them in the woods. The kids can’t be out there alone and if three want to play and three don’t then it is an issue. So they got put on the lawn. Kate talks about how BIG her property is. Yes, Kate, the kids deserve it. She actually said “He wanted to put them in the woods… and I let that go for a while.” Jon wanted them in the woods out of the p-people’s camera. Kate was sure they would NEVER get to play in their crooked houses. She’s so dramatic. “He wants them down there and sometimes you have to change your plans for what the kids want….I’m going out on a limb and risking World War III, but I’m putting them up here.”

After the break, Kate said she didn’t want to rock the boat and start an argument so she told the guy that only Mady and Cara were in the woods and the other kids were going in a grove. Good for Mady and Cara. They get to go away from Kate and share confidences. Jon said they were going to be in the woods. Period. The house guy convinced Jon that the houses would be better closer to the big house. Too bad for Mady and Cara. The kids got free tshirts from the company.
While the houses go up, the kids run races in the front yard. In front of the p-people. Jon whined about everyone having a picnic and bitched about putting his dogs away. Kate asked if everyone wanted something and after everyone said yes, she said sorry, we can’t because there are only 5.

What a bitch.

Then they start in with the drama. “It doesn’t matter where Jon and I are in our relationship; my kids are all that matters. If I have to put a happy face on, I do…..blah blah blah. Did I ever think I’d be in this situation or position? But I can still have a picnic. How can you not smile when you see those faces?

Jon: Yeah Kate and I haven’t been communicating. Building crooked house and doing everything for our kids.

Kate: I have become hard and crass and jaded. It is my survival mechanism. If I have to pull this ship on my own I will and I will survive. *Yawn* we know the truth Kate. This is the REAL you. You’re saying Jon is abandoning you. Look at the bright side. Now you and Steve can screw with abandon.

Mady and Cara hammed for the cams. Way too much. Mady was happy her name was spelled write. She wants to be a vet.

Let’s just be honest—how long are these houses going to last? Three little ones in one now is a full house. Waste.of.time.and.freebie. (But I will say that the haunted house was awesome)

Kate bitched that it was “somewhat daylight” when the crooked houses were done. Then they talked about furnishing them. Kate said she wasn’t sure she could get outside furniture for them but she could get inside. Come on, Kate. Isn’t Little Tykes banging down your door?
The kids played in the houses and the owner of the Crooked House company was nice to the kids.

Kate claims she doesn’t have conversations with Jon and that day was rough behind the scenes (bonus material). Jon has anger towards her and he won’t discuss it with her “and that’s the truth”. He just won’t talk. When he has a “couple minute conversation” she has a “window” into his world. She said he doesn’t know what he want s or understands the repercussion of his actions.

Jon: We’re spending quality time with each of the kids. (Not a word about the situation. Heaping helping of denial.)

More kids playing. Yawn.

Then comes the Crooked House commercial and endorsement from J & K.


Jon: I don’t hate Kate, but you know.

Kate: We haven’t known where we’re going but we’ve been dealing with this for a long time.

Jon: I have to do what is best for me and my kids.

So they come back from break and whine about how horrible their world is and how the p-people harass them when people are dying in Iraq. He said they are only interested in what he eats for lunch. No, Jon they are interested in whom you’re keeping company with. Jon said with defiance he was too passive and “let her rule the roost and do whatever she wanted to do and went along with everything.” And he has now stood up on his own two feet and he’s proud.

Kate: It’s the next chapter. Not a chapter brought on by the show or caused by the career choices. I believe it is a chapter that would have played out with or without the world watching.

Jon: I don’t know how it’s going to play out I am looking for friendship with Kate and I have nothing with her. It is like it is two people living here.

Kate: While I’ve had a rough few days….I’m facing the music and what needs to happen. And while I had half a day where I let myself fall apart…by the time I woke up this morning, I had decided I need relief and turn the page.

Jon: It’s life. It’s a rollercoaster I don’t’ hate Kate but you know I have to do what is best for me and my kids. You know. Them first but uh it’s hard to talk about.

Kate: It’s a fork in the road. Goals are different. I don’t hate him- never have never will. He’s the father of my kids. They are great kids, the best.

Jon: I feel like I’ve lost a lot. I will do anything for my kids. (Then keep your dick in your pants.)
Kate: I am tired of smiling on the outside and I’m tired. I don’t want to do this alone. (You’ve never done it alone, Kate. You’ve always had help. Too bad you’ve ostracized your family. They could have helped.

Jon: It’s day by day for me.

Then Jon is asked to fill in everything. Kate and John are separating. Not good for arguing. Can’t be cordial. Kate isn’t fond of the idea but it is necessary because she wants peace for the kids.
Jon: The kids will live in THEI HOUSE and Kate will live in it when it is her days and Jon will be there when it is their day.

Kate: It is their house and their security and land for them. It will be hard for them, not what she wanted and it is very difficult. It will be the best and most peaceful for them.

Jon: It is a shame, I will always love her as the mother of their kids.

Kate: We’re not running away, we’re living separate lives and coming back to live as a family. (What the fuck planet is she from?)

Kate: Lots of happiness in past- hope it continues. We’ll find happiness in here somewhere. We’ve always done the show for the kids to provide for them and collect the memories for themselves.

Then comes the montage—coming a long way.

What do you remember the most about the earlier shows? More hearts and flowers. Oddly enough Jon loved Hawaii- no mention of the reaffirming of vows. A lot of fond memories of filming. Jon. He will be in the show, separately.

How does the show go on- per Kate the show must go on. Kate will do everything with the kids as normal.

Jon said he could be offered a job and that would change the whole schedule. LMAO

Kate is worried how they failed will affect their kids. You should have thought about it. Suck it up bitch.

Kate doesn’t want to be alone or do it alone. DUH YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAVE HAD HELP.

Jon is hurt. Not a great communicator. He has a new chapter. He is 32. He doesn’t know what is going to happen.

Kate said that if she focuses on the good and positive she’ll be fine. New beginning. Will do the things she didn’t think at one time she could do. We can’t go back now- only forward. Going to learn a lot and we’ll come out on the other side stronger, better, wiser, stronger pull together in strange way and bond and unite and realize together we can do anything.

Shot of “On Monday 6/22 legal proceedings were initiated in PA to dissolve the 10 year marriage of Jon and Kate Gosselin. “ (Yes, yes, yes. One step closer to the show’s demise.)

Then oddly, they all went out to fine dining brunch. WTF? They faked the kids taking laundry upstairs.

Kate whined about holidays and she will always have them on holidays. She provides peace to see them on holidays. Handle birthdays and holidays in a way that she can always be with them. (Good luck with that Kate. A judge will tell you what to do.)

Jon said it was raining and Kate said no it was RAINING.

Jon said they both want them on holidays but like it’s so fresh and new on our decision. We don’t know. We make joint decisions and decisions for our kids together (LMAO)

Cara had to read the ORGANIC menu.

I wonder if that is when they told them about dad leaving. Why didn’t they ask the kids about the decision?

Again with the bibs.

Jon: Communication is the most important.

Kate: Maybe the only thing I can look forward to is resolution and peace.
Jon is going to miss seeing the kids after school. Things change. For the better. But Jon doesn’t believe it-he not gotten there yet.

Kate: While no one is perfect I have done my best to keep our family together and to make my kids lives happy- look at who they are and who they will become. Want them to be best that they can be.

Jon: When I am around them we don’t think of our relationship we think of kids. Maybe our relationship will become friendship or whatever. What the kids to understand why and what we did for them and showing them that we love them. That it will be ok.

Kate: It is renewing the commitment to the kids. Turn the page new chapter. (What does that even mean?)

The way I see it, this marriage has been over for months. Jon has seriously checked up- months ago. Kate has been ramping up for this- months ago. Steve is missing because she is going through a divorce. I think the divorce is the real deal but I think these two are horrible for prostituting the kids through this on TV.

This show is no longer about raising sextuplets and twins. It is all about Jon and Kate. The kids are ancillary to any plot in this series. I am tired of seeing the unlikely events that they portray. The average family doesn’t have disposable income to buy so many cars, acreage and toys (even though a lot is given to the family in the form of freebies). Jon and Kate need to stop the show. I still maintain that Jon likes the spotlight. He just wants it on his terms, which he is kind of getting. I hope the p-people get some really good dirt on them.

Pre-Announcement Roundup

Sorry for the slow posts, but I am on a writing assignment that requires a lot of on site coverage.

CNN: Reality Bites of J & K An article about the situation to date- the author writes about narcissism.

TMZ: Reports DIVORCE papers were filed today. They are also saying Jon is moving to NYC.

People: Reports divorce papers filed.

Julie has another post up about the Big Announcement. She's always a bit cryptic for me.

And on a side note-- funny announcement from the folks at YouTube.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Video for Jon jabbering with fans and jackin' his jaw

Video to go with Jon's Father's Day. He has no idea where Kate is and he says he sleeps in the house (probably when Kate is gone) and he doesn't see Deanna as much. Right.

Jon's Father's Day

While Jon played with the kids, he also couldn't resist pimping them out and stirring the drama pot by answering the question "Are you getting divorced?" with a "You'll have to watch the show."

Jon, even for you, this is a simple question. A simple yes or no is all that is required. You continue to show how much you DO care about being on the show and raking in the money by the part you play in talking with the press and fans, with allowing yourself ample opportunity to be filmed.

Bonnie Fuller former US Weekly Editor rags about rags

The former editor of US Weekly told Good Morning America on 5/25:

"I actually thinks it's atrocious that Kate is being portrayed as a monster," former Us Weekly editor Bonnie Fuller told "GMA." "Like all strong women, she's a target and we've seen it before. We saw it in the election campaign. We saw it with Hillary Clinton. We saw it with Sarah Palin. Strong, aggressive women who know what they want and don't mind being in the public eye are very much in for a public drubbing."

While I generally agree strong women are vilified by the press for being assertive, Kate is a different story. She is being assertive- at the cost of her children. Hillary didn't exploit her daughter to become a VP candidate.

But wait! on 5/29, she had a completely different viewpoint! Bolding is mine. Red bold mine. (note: I thought this took place 6 weeks apart- it is even worse that it was just a few days apart)

Jon & Kate Plus 8: The Most Abusive Celebrity Parents Ever?

Have Jon and Kate Gosselin invented a new form of 21st century child abuse? I'd say so. Come on — would you allow cameras to be following your kids every single move on 40 episodes a year of national TV?

There's only 52 weeks in the calendar. That means these kids barely catch a break, i.e. a few days without camera crews camping inside their home.

It's a real life "Truman Show" with eight voiceless victims instead of just one.

I'm not saying that children should never be on TV or in show business. There's a long cultural history of showbiz kids dating back to vaudeville days through infamous child stars: Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney, Jay North of Dennis the Menace, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera and all the other Mouseketeers, the Olsen twins, Jodi Foster, Sarah Jessica Parker, Brooke Shields, Danny Bonaduce and the Partridge Family members, the Brady Bunch, and now Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez and on and on.

Yes, some of these young stars were terribly exploited Judy Garland-style and grew up to crash and burn. But others went on to perfectly successful adult lives and careers. Being young, talented and pushed into in the public spotlight is not necessarily a recipe for exploitative disaster.

But, kids on movie and professional TV sets are subject to child labor laws. Children in reality shows are NOT, a point made forcefully by the Gosselin 8's Aunt Jodi and Uncle Kevin Krieder, Kate Gosselin's brother and sister-in-law who've been busy blogging, and then blabbing, about how vile the Gosselins are, especially Kate, to celebrity newsweeklies and on CBS's "Early Show."
"We want to be the voice of our nieces and nephews... they're being viewed as a commodity," uncle Kevin intoned on national TV. "They're being exploited," added Aunt Jodi.
Of course, the Kreiders were very much a part of the Jon & Kate Plus 8 show for the first three seasons, before supposedly being kicked off by Kate because they asked to be paid for their appearances. So their indignation over the public lives of their nieces and nephews may not be fueled by totally pure motives. And really, what kind of family takes their beefs to the celebrity press anyway? Now this is a judgement call if I ever read one. What does this have to do with being "pure" or even telling the truth. Because Bonnie (presumably) got paid for this article, should we not believe her?

It seems to me that the Gosselin 8 need an impartial advocate and interventionist. Parents have a right to raise their kids as they see fit — to choose their religion and their schools, and to discipline them, as long as it doesn't cross the line into physical abuse. But do they have a right to make millions of dollars by filming them, virtually all the time, for years at a time? The TLC Jon & Kate series isn't a serious documentary or a one season special. And unlike Supernanny or Nanny 911 which zoom in on a different family of dysfunctional kids every week, this show is in its fifth season and is relentless in its intrusiveness into the kids' lives.

"Kids have bad times... they cry and having the camera zoom in on a crying child... this should not be a form of entertainment," insists Jodi. Should it?

And here's my next big question: Are any of the bags of money earned by Jon & Kate and the hardworking Gosselins being set aside in trust funds for each of the kids? Or are Jon & Kate free to use it all for her French manicures and his frequent bar-hopping?

If not, these adorable tots aren't much different than the little stars of Slumdog Millionaire, which has grossed over $400 million, while they're back to living homeless in the Mumbai slums. A bunch of adults made enormous bucks from the work of these kids in front of film cameras, yet the little ones didn't end up with much more than a few nice, new outfits.

Hey, the Gosselin kids are always well-dressed too. At least in front of the cameras!

Who's going to intervene?

Tell Bonnie Fuller exactly how you feel about her double talk! She is the founder of Bonnie Fuller Media. She can be reached at .

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Aaden goes to the hosptial- did Kate beat him too?

Jon took Aaden to the hospital today. Jon is still sporting a surly grimace.

Despite his commands for order amongst his brood, not even Jon Gosselin can manage eight children without mishaps.

Saturday in their hometown, Jon took one of his boys to Pennsylvania’s Reading Pediatrics center, sporting a bandage on his head when entering the facility.Click for pics of the brave injured Gosselin boy!

On the way out, the little Gosselin appeared to have a large bump or cut. Don’t call Kate or the cameras just yet—the tot seems to be in good spirits, even toting the best sign of a good doctor’s visit—a lollipop!

If only we could say the same for the state of his household. As told you exclusively, Jon and Kate will announce their divorce this Monday evening at 9 p.m., on their popular TLC reality show.

TLC furious at Jon!

Radar Online reports that TLC is pissed as hell at Jon's "dissappearing act". As if they didn't stage it that way. I believe TLC is just as much into this divorce as their bank accounts will allow.

And let's see what else the kids "deserve"

I wrote about the new car the kids deserved yesterday. You remember, the one that was oh, so green at about 18 mpg. Just have a look at these photos from Radar Online- a nanny (who doesn't want to be on camera- she's been seen in several photos), a LANDSCAPER, and I believe the blond woman is Nana Janet who was used, er used to fold laundry (aka another nanny).

Rumor has it that Jon traded in his Nissan sports car for a BMW. I am sure it was because the kids said they wanted him to trade.

Nothing surprising but reports rumor Jon and Kate haven't done the hunka chunka for months. I wouldn't want to screw either of them, that's for sure!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Remember the July 15th divorce date?

Remember the July 15 date?


It’s official. Jon and Kate Gosselin will announce on Monday that they are divorcing, a source close to the situation tells exclusively.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Kate's Brother Says "Their Marriage Is Over!"

The source says that Kate recently met with a divorce lawyer. Another source told that the couple had previously agreed to separate by July 15.

But that timetable has now been pushed forward.

TLC released video earlier Thursday teasing that a major announcement was coming. And while many have speculated that it centered on the couple splitting up, has learned exclusively that the marriage is over and Jon will file divorce papers next week.

The stars of Jon & Kate Plus 8 have unwittingly used reality television to broadcast the reality of an unraveling marriage. And they’ve done it to record ratings this season as media frenzy around the battling couple has grown in recent weeks, including this past weekend when Jon and Kate spent their 10th wedding anniversary apart.

Kate previously took the sextuplets on vacation to North Carolina without Jon, who was accused of having an affair with Deanna Hummel. Her brother discussed the relationship publicly in a tell-all with Us Weekly magazine.

Jon and Kate were photographed together Wednesday for the first time in a while.

But they have been talking divorce for quite some time, the source told, and the decision was recently finalized to announce it.

After being caught with Deanna Hummel, Jon was then spotted with Hailey Glassman, the daughter of Kate’s plastic surgeon. Sources have told that their relationship is ongoing.

Kate is losing money. Poor Kate. Not

Kate has been booted from the Healthy Kids Expo. Was it because of her beating a child, fucking her body guard or was it that they finally figured out that Kate doesn't know what "healthy" means?

Weekly scans

Scans are now available. Courtesy of My case against Kate Gosselin.

I'd pay special attention to the InTouch and National Enquirer scans. First, in IT, we get to see Kate's twat shot in a pink bathing suit. Second, in National Enquirer, we see Jon making more poor decisions by associating with a coke-head.

Finally, have a good look at the Star. Kate's been kissing Steve.

Jon is caught smoking a joint--- or something.

Radar Online got hold of a doozy....

Where there's smoke...there's Jon Gosselin of Jon and Kate Plus 8 fame.

Click here for more pics of Jon puffing away outside his home in Reading, PA

Jon sure looks guilty as paps snap him smoking what appears to be a hand rolled cigarette -- or something like that -- outside his home Wednesday in Reading, PA.

What brand of cig is that, Jon?

And here is the announcement preview commercial:

More info

FoxPhilly is reporting that a split may be announced. The article cites Kate as stating they've made some "recent" decisions. If it is a split- it isn't recent except for the cams. We all know Jon Boy has a contract that says he can play and he's been shacking up with whatever whore will have him.

If they are finally splitting- where are the separation/divorce papers and who is getting the kids and the money?!

Gosselin Split May BeAnnounced

TLC is now promoting a "big announcement" by Jon and Kate Gosselin Monday about a life-changing decision.

The cable network has reportedly scrapped a Mother's Day show for next Monday for anothe special one-hour edition of the show.

Its last one-hour special drew neary 10 milion viewers. Since then, "Jon & Kate" has lost 70 percent of its audience in the ratings.

But now, the network is strongly hinting that the Gosselins are splitting up or making another decision about their marriage.

The TV commercials for Monday's upcoming show feature captions like "“A Family in Turmoil” and “Jon and Kate have an announcement.”

Kate Gosselin says in the promo that, “Recently, we’ve made some life changing decisions. Decisions that will affect every member of our family, ones that we hope will bring each of us some peace.”

The family of 10 lives near Reading, Pa., and have swamped by media after allegations of infidelity in the marriage.

The show is also under investigation in Pennsylvania for violating child-labor laws.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

6/22 Episode: Announcement

Apparently it's time to crank up the drama to regain share. Monday's ep will be 1 full hour of Gosselin joy with Kate and Jon announcing some "life changing" decisions. I believe it is a setup for more mystery- or at least some therapy time!

6/17 Daily Juice

I've been very busy today- but here is your daily round-up of Gosselin Goodies.

ABC News on the spanking biz. "Is Kate Gosselin Spanking Her Kids, Losing Control?" It is a three pager.

Video of Kate defending her enraged spanking of her daughter from E! Online. (Lots of pics with hint that the p-people called the cops after she beat her daughter.

TLC talks about spanking. Yet Kate is still under contract.......

InTouch breaks the story about Kate beating her daughter.
"When Leah, one of the sextuplets, started blowing a whistle loudly, Kate told her to stop because she was on the phone. But as soon as Leah blew on the whistle again, Kate “seemed to lose her temper” and said, “Did you not hear me?” Then she stormed over to her daughter, grabbed her and hit her. “The girl was screaming and crying,” the witness adds. “Kate just pushed her away and walked off with her coffee. Her older sisters were trying to make Leah feel better.” "

Completely unbelievable. What a bitch!

Jon and Kate in the same space according to TMZ/Life and Style. Kate talking about discipline:
"Kate told Life & Style: "Whether the paparazzi are there or not, I am a mother first ... I love my children and when they misbehave, I discipline them as I deem appropriate for the situation."

US Magazine talking more about Jon and Kate's day together.

I'll let you know when there is more to report!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

6/16 Daily Juice

Kate's getting deeper in her own shit.

US Mag commenters are reporting that Kate beat the shit out of Leah for blowing a whistle. Caught on video, just not available yet. Cannot wait for this! Meanwhile, ratings went from 4.3 to 2.9. No surprise there.

Child investigation shutting down the show? Will post more when available!

Monday, June 15, 2009

6/15 Bikes and Trikes

Looks like another redneck retard episode. I strongly suggest you read the American Chopper recap before reading this one. This episode was a condensed version of it.

The show opens with some of the same footage from American Choppers. Are they hurting for sponsors? Jon and Kate are sitting in their white, plastic thrones. Kate swears she watched American Choppers. She is such a liar.

The American Chopper guys said, “We’re obviously here to see you, but…..” They were not there to see the family. They would have NEVER given the Gs the time of day if they weren’t getting paid.

Kate recapped every single thing that happened. When Mikey did the puppet show, Kate said that he did a puppet show that “no mother would be proud of”. Thanks for making your fellow humans feel so shitty, Kate.

Kate swears she brought up the idea; no one had to coax her. Although she does say she doesn’t like bikes. You be the judge. She also says that Paul Sr. thinks she is a cool mom. They were stupid, because they didn’t have helmets on- even though that is legal in PA.

When they started the art projects, Jon said “They tried it the night before and no one could figure it out, and then they just brought in big bags of stuff.” How staged was that? Kids are working and rehearsing for the real deal. They should have Coogan Accounts.

Kate said the dogs “came in on cue” and “snarkled up the crackers”. But then didn’t show here what they did on the American Chopper show. Kate totally ragged on Jon and berated him. Said if he let the dogs out during lunch that he would be in trouble. And Jon said “I’ll get a spankin’” But this was not shown in the JK8 episode. How’s that for duplicity?

Then Jon went to build his bike, and played with the boys. Paul, Sr. yelled at Jon quite a bit. Just like being at home with Kate. See a resemblance? Jon lamented how wonderful it was to do guy things with guys and to be doing something other than dad things. Then he whined because there are 6 girls at home and he feels “outnumbered”.

Then in this version, they surprised Kate with the pink scooter. Although when you saw it in the AC episode, it came up at the same time as Jon did. More duplicity.

And in this episode they said that Kate took Mikey to the spa because he made her the pink scooter. That wasn’t what they said on AC—on that episode it was because Jon was off making his bike….. MORE duplicity.

Lies all around tonight. Ah, the magic of editing and couch confessionals.

As an odd stringer to the end, they show the next day with Kate going with the kids to the Ronald McDonald house. She donated her bike to them to auction it off in the future. The same place that cancelled her speaking engagement. Making amends, Kate? Or is it that you really didn’t like the bike. Doesn’t matter, as TLC paid for it. Just a tax write off. She signed the front fender. *GAG*

Jon thanked OCC and said he built a bike and relationships. Please.

Kate’s a cunt. Jon is a weak loser. And the American Chopper guys must be desperate for story lines.

Daily Juice

What the HELL are wrong with Kate Gosselin's tits?

And yet another kid with Starbucks!

The Gosselin Do-ings over the weekend. With Kate calling the police!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Kate gets flowers on her anniversary

Could these be from Jon? The Kids? The Crew? From Kate to Kate?

Gosselins think their shite doesn't stink

Jon and Kate rag on the Duggars according to a former staff member.

Today marks the 10-year wedding anniversary of TLC reality stars Jon and Kate Gosselin. What better time for former employees to dish even more of the dirt going on behind the scenes of television’s Jon & Kate Plus 8.

Acccording to one former Gosselin staffer Jon and Kate — whose own marriage is hanging by a thread — never miss an opportunity to make disparging remarks about fellow TLC reality family The Duggars.

Conservative Christians Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, stars of the network’s 18 Kids and Counting, are the proud parents of 18 children — with their first grandchild expected this fall.

As fans of The Duggars know, the family includes eight girls and ten boys, each with names beginning with the letter J. While loving, Jim Bob and Michelle raise their kids with a firm hand — all of the children are home-schooled and watch very little television. Internet access is also kept to a minimum in the old-fashioned household.

It’s all very “weird” if you ask Jon and Kate.

“Jon and Kate envy The Duggars because they seem so happy,” the former staffer blabs in the June 22 issue of The National Enquirer. “They’d always say The Duggars are so weird, and there must be something wrong with them. They don’t think anyone can be that normal.”
According to the former Gosselin worker, Jon and Kate often went even further with the Duggar digs.

“They’d say, ‘They can’t be real,’ or ‘They seem like geeky people,’ and ‘They can’t be that perfect. It’s impossible to be that happy!”

When Jon and Kate prove they can stay married and out of the tabloids for longer than a nanosecond. they will be free to cackle about other people’s families.

Ratings for Jon and Kate

For the week of 6/1, their old episode at 9:30 was more highly watched than the new episode.

The Emerill ep. 3.4 rating; the repeat 3.7.

New tactics aren't working, TLC.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I have to watch the AC episode...

On the Chopper show, we got to see the automatic gate open at the Gosselin residence in the first shots.

Scene: Kate is in her Queen of Kmart White Chair. The guys are going to do “R & D, check the kids out and figure out what bike Jon wants”. First words out of Kate: calls Mikey “hairy”. Jon is stylin’ his plugs by spiking them and sporting shades and has a GAP Athletic half wife beater that is wrinkled to hell. Kate is in a wrinkled shirt that shows off her new store bought tits. Kate actually thought one of their bikes was going to be named after her. She wants a hot pink bike named after her. Douche bag. The AC Sr Dude doesn’t seem impressed with Kate, but he was very nice to the kids. Leah got to go first. I was surprised Hannie didn’t shove her out of the way.

I love that this is not all about Kate- and it obviously pisses her off.

Mikey decides (according to the script) to help with the kids, because Kate just couldn’t handle it alone. Jon and the guys sit in the classy plastic chairs… and they all spread out like they are exhibiting some sort of giant plumb between their legs……. And Jon is practically fondling where his balls would be if he had any.

Back with Kate, there is a chick that comes out of the house with her face blurred out as Kate tells the kids that Mikey wants to entertain them. Kate says to “eat your lunchy”. Carrots, apples and crackers. No protein. And people are going to by a cookbook from her? Mikey bombs with the ventriloquist act. He sucks at it. And Kate generously wipes the sweat off him.

Back to Jon, he wants a rec/chopper bike with some crap I could care less about. According to Paul Sr, Jon wants everything “top of the line” (to go with his $40K car).

Mikey is screaming with the dummy and pissing Kate off. The kids were enjoying it but of course the kids don’t get what they like…..

Back to Jon—ping pong…. Jon’s going to do “weekend riding, night riding when I have time”

Yeah. When you go whoring you mean.

Back to Kate. The kids almost wreck the dummy and they have an ass fetish. Nice. Mikey called the kids ‘ravenous wolves”.

Back to Jon- he wants “Clean and simple” on the bike. Yawn.

Then we see before commercial- three large asses walking away from the cam.

Kate said she wanted to go for a ride. Paul Sr. was surprised. She said she wouldn’t wear jeans and he said “I don’t care what you wear” LMFAO Paul needed help and yelled at Jon to help them. I get the feeling Paul didn’t really wanna be there. LMAO Jon stood around not helping and Mikey burn his finger. Kate said so pleasantly that she would give him some aloe plant. She tried to seem nurturing.

Kate doesn’t like to talk about things, she likes to do them. Paul Sr. said he did too- actually he cut her off. I love you Paul Sr. Kate called him sweaty as she drove off on the bike with him. Another AC guy was beside them and Jon straggled in the back. Where was Steve?!

We got some good shots of their property. Nice driveway lights all the way down to the gate. Trees along the paved driveway…..Mikey showed his burn to the kids. Paul said you have to drink lots of water when it’s hot. Remember that Kate. The kids actually took his water, because they never get enough from Kate. Then they headed back to the garage.

At the garage, they bullshit and say JK8 is a good show and that Kate wears the pants. They start on the bike. There is a lot of crap here that I could care less about so we’ll skip that shit.
Mikey goes back to the Konpound. Kate has on one of three Ann Taylor Loft dresses she owns. Kate’s yukin’ it up with the guys. Then they are doing a craft project with the kids (this episode makes no sense and must be to boost sagging ratings).

Kate says donning a hot pink wig “Since my hair is the talk of the town, let’s make it worse.” It’s all about you Kate. Dumb bitch. So they made their projects from foam crap. Kate’s had to be the best. So of course Aiden, seeking the approval of his mom, added his project to hers.
Jon came in and yelled at the kids to clean up the yard. The big yard. Then we saw their play house. One of them. Kate brings out lunch under a tent. And yells for Jon to get the “nasty” beasts away. She says if he lets him go during lunch he’s in trouble. Jon told the dog he’d get a spanking. He loved it.

Kate said the kids were graduating from pre-school. Jr Kindergarten next year 7:15-3:40 3 days a week. Kate was thrilled they would be gone all day. If that’s Jr. Kindergarten….. Kate slapped a kids hand away from the food. They were having bananas, crackers and cheese and Capri suns.

So they ate…..then she took the obligatory picture of everyone and said as she took a picture with her pink blackberry… “Smile if you love mommy. Who loves mommy?” I didn’t see many smiles.

Jon gets out four wheelers…. There are at least 3 of them. More of the tup’s money down the drain. They go into Jon’s upper garage and decide to use an extension cord to pull brush out of the way. Dumbasses. Jon struggles because of his beer belly. Then we see all of them do incredibly stupid (dare I say, typical man) things. Moving on….Then they go back to building the bike…..moving on…

Finally Jon goes in to the OCC…. He’s going to work on his bike. Right. He said the “black widow” bike was Kate’s. LMAO. He told us how busy his morning was. And that today is a break and tomorrow, “he’s a dad again”. I wonder if his whore Deanna went with him?

By the way, Jon has a HUGE bald spot. They asked if Kate was ok with it. Jon said, Yes, what’s mine is mine what’s hers is hers. “ He finally admits he’s a stay at home dad. So what the fuck is his problem. Then they show him paint. And talks about stuff I don’t care about. Except he wants a kids face or their initialed on the bike. Because he wants a “tribute” to them because without them “I wouldn’t be standing here” Someone asked him what he was doing and he said “taking care of my kids”. The light also showed Jon’s grey hairs and his bad gel job. They went riding. Then they showed him with his hair better, in shades and a black leather jacket. If I saw him on the street, I would say he’s hot---- if I didn’t already know what an asshole he is. They decided to go to a virtual gun range. Jon said he’s into shooting stuff. A premonition of things to come with Kate?

Jon said he likes hanging out with them because he has few male friends “as we all know”. They are asking about how many kids he has--- when they’ve supposedly already been there. And then the obligatory questions about how it happened. The next day, Jon is supposed to help with his bike. Mikey goes into Jon’s room and he either had a skippy phone or a video game. I say an IPhone or Blackberry. Blue. He said Mikey could be his bodyguard as they walked over to the shop. So then they work on the bike.

Back with Kate, Mikey thinks Kate has too much on her plate and takes her for a spa day. Fuck that. She does that anyway. Mikey—wake up and smell the coffee. She called Mikey “the best date ever”. Mikey is going to get a makeover….. She thought he needed one. Kate—take your own advice. Kate had on her 4 inch hooker heels ready to straddle Mikey or any other man. So he didn’t get his hair cut and he got his beard trimmed and he got a pedicure. Kate said she had some of the polish colors “a million time” So you’ve run through a lot of the ‘tups money then, huh? They asked Mikey if he wanted a magazine and he asked for an “Us Weekly”. Kate laughed. Then they had the whole how did the pregnancy happen talk with her. Kate says she’s been stressed lately and hasn’t been able to do these types of things. What a LIAR. You did on MOTHER’S DAY. The ‘tup’s birthday. Such a liar.

So it is time for the unveil of Jon and Kate’s bikes. That is way too much bike for Jon and a wimpy scooter for Kate. You would think Jon and Kate would go biking together on his or both….. not going to happen. Jon’s bike was nice… and “in tune to exactly what I want” The kids names were on a yellow ribbon paint piece on the bike. Kate got shitty about the horn and threatened with naps for all. They talked about Jon’s bike but I don’t care about that. He looks like a douchebag on or off it. Someone asked if Kate was going to let Jon out as he went down the drive and she said “Let him GO” and “Don’t expect me to ride… I don’t know… I have 8 kids to care for I can’t be out of commission” She ran with her hooker heals down the drive ask Sr. Dude rode her bike. Then Kate tried out the bike in heels. She went up and down the driveway getting her attention and that was pretty much it.

No water for the kids redeux

Earlier this week, I posted an edited version of the "Mommy you drank water in front of me" video.

Thanks to wendyrz for posting the unedited version. This one really shows what a cunt Katie Irene really is.

Weekly Scans are available

Scans of this week's news are available via My Case Against Kate Gosselin.

You'll especially enjoy the National Enquirer this week- Kate's a boozer and hits her kids. (No surprise there!)

2190 Andrews Ave house STILL for sale at $325K

Brownstone is still listing the Andrews Ave house for $325,000. Any takers?

See full listing.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Development of Five Year olds

Since Kate is always going on about the show being "the family business" and that the kids make the decision to stay on the air, I thought you might be interested in seeing exactly what kinds of things a five year old is capable of.

Iowa State University has a nice guide for the development of 5 year olds. You make the decision but it doesn't seem anything close to making family financial and business decisions is on the list.

National Enquirer has juice on Jon

NE has more info on Jon being caught on video. Eyewitness type stuff.

Jon Gosselin caught on videotape - sneaking around with a hot young blonde while wife Kate and their eight children were hundreds of miles away!Surveillance cameras recorded Jon's secret date at a New York bar, and the footage - obtained exclusively by The ENQUIRER - reveals the 32-year-old reality TV star abandoned his blonde companion and scurried out the bar's back door when he spotted a photographer.

His new friend is 23-year-old Hailey Glassman, daughter of the plastic surgeon who performed 34-year-old Kate's tummy-tuck surgery - documented on their TLC network show Jon & Kate Plus 8. Jon's secret "date" with Hailey was caught on videotape after the two slipped into the deserted dining room of the Bourbon Street bar in Nyack around 3:30 p.m. on May 24."

Jon and the young woman sat across from each other in a booth in the back of the restaurant," an eyewitness divulged."She was hanging on every word he said, and looked really happy to be with him.

"While Jon has publicly denied he's romantically involved with Hailey, a friend of Hailey's confirmed to The ENQUIRER she's been secretly meeting with Jon. While Jon was sneaking around New York, a beleaguered Kate and the couples 8 kids were enjoying a working vacation on Bald Head Island, North Carolina with Kate's bodyguard reported BF, Steve Neild.

New Rumor: Where in the world is Steve Neild?

I had another comment today about Steve Neild. Last week, someone posted an Anon commnet that Steve and Gina were divorced. Before that I had a comment about Kate's we saw pictures of Kate's old yearbook surface and people from her highschool spoke out.

Lisa sent the following:

"Steve is living at the Wernersville address and even has his mail forwarded to him. I don't know about him being divorced but he is definitely spending the night."

I'd love to know if this is true! We haven't seen him in the p-people pics lately.

Organic Kate no more!

Kate was seen today at Starbucks, getting her kids NON-ORGANIC drinks. So much for the healthy bit. I wonder if when she travels, if she takes a lot of medicine because she's not eating organic?

US Mag reports the kids sipping Vanilla Frapps for a whopping 320 or 430 calories per (depending on if they were Tall or Grande) and 45 to 60 g of sugar per drink. And she bitches at Jodi about gum.

And I think she owes Jon an apology for saying he was getting them hooked early. Seems like she does her own contribution.

Jon can't keep his pants zipped

While the cat's away... Jon's manwhoring it up with slut Hailey Glassman. You remember her, the tummy tuck surgeon's daughter.

Naughty, naughty.

It seems like just yesterday when Deanna Hummel's brother was ratting her out and charging that she was having an affair with Jon Gosselin.

But you've got to move quickly to keep up with Jon, because Deanna is no longer in the picture for the Jon & Kate Plus 8 star.

Now beleaguered Jon, 32, is spending quality time with Hailey Glassman, the 23-year-old daughter of the plastic surgeon who performed his wife's tummy tuck surgery! Just friends?

Well, has acquired video of a meal they shared together at the Bourbon Street bar in Nyack, New York. Watch closely and you'll see them cleverly enter separately (even though the place is deserted)! And when they were discovered by photogs after the meal you'll see Jon freeze and duck to the side, trying not to get his picture taken. He then beats it to a back door. Kate, meanwhile, was on vacation with the sextuplets in North Carolina.

So, what type of woman is Hailey? obtained exclusive photos of the Indiana University graduate, where it sure looks like she found some time to have fun. Sources have confirmed that Jon and Hailey spent a considerable amount of time together while Kate was out of town. Want to see what Jon likes about her? Check out the pics.

Intervention for the Gosselins!

Extra TV had a few soundbites about interventions for the Greedy Ones.

Be sure to check it out- I tried to embed it but it just wasn't working and I am too lazy to fix it.

Sneak peak of the barf-o-rama that is American Chopper


Slip slidin' away- Ratings fall for the third episode!

Despite 10M folks watching the first episode, in the second week, JK8 only had 4.8M and this week, it has fallen further to 4.3.

Let's hope the trend continues.

(Source: Radar Online)

Life and Style Magazine: It's OVER!

It's over! Kate's raising eight kids alone

The past few months have not been easy on the eight young Gosselin children. Their parents, Jon and Kate, made national headlines for alleged extramarital affairs, and both recently admitted that their relationship is in deep trouble and has been for some time. But on May 30, the kids got a break from the tension and sadness at home by taking a vacation to the beaches of Bald Head Island in North Carolina. The whole family was there -- with one very notable exception: Jon. Kate was left to take care of her 8-year-old twins and her 5-year-old sextuplets without their dad.

And this piece showed up under the article:

Credit: Courtesy of TLC

(Now tell me that TLC isn't milking this for all it's worth!)

More proof Jon cheated on Kate on her birthday

As everyone knows, I am not a Kate Gosselin fan. But cheating on your wife on her birthday? More over the cover hints at Jon screwing the babysitter.

Us Mag is reporting that they have more proof Jon cheated on her birthday.

The new Us Weekly (on newsstands today) reveals shocking new details and exclusive pictures of Jon Gosselin and his mistress, as the father of 8 cheated on Kate's 34th birthday.

On that day, March 28, Jon was on a steamy, booze-filed trip to Park City, Utah, with 23-year-old school teacher Deanna Hummel (the June 1 Jon & Kate Plus 8 episode only showed him helping handicapped children ski as Kate celebrated her birthday alone with the kids on a "surprise" trip to the Ace of Cakes' kitchen).

Deanna had joined Jon at the annual Pond Skimming race at the SpringGruv festival in Park City. (Of his trips to Utah, Jon told a localpaper: "I have eight kids, two dogs and live in Pennsylvania, and I canstill hang here with 15-year-olds.")

"Hey, it's Kate's birthday," Jon told a local friend, the new Us Weekly reports. "I should get her something." Despite visiting a jewelry store, the pal says Jon never followed through. Instead, he spent the day downing free Budweisers with Deanna at the event.

That night, a source says Jon and Deanna "curled up" at the Downstairs bar(co-owned by actors Chris and Danny Masterson), adding, "It was snuggle-o-matic."

As the night wore on, Jon and his hard-partying pals began "reeking of pot.I know that the kids he's hanging out with like a little herbal substance."

Jon and Deanna first met while partying at local bar Chill Lounge near his family's $1.1 million home in Wernersville, Pa. "Jon was a dirtball," Elyse Motague, the waitress Jon asked to have send Hummel a shot by way of introduction, tells the new Us Weekly.

Stansels Whore up

Thomas and Ameanda Stansel are whoring up to become the next Jon and Kate. The only catch is that the kids aren't even born yet and they are already pimping for a TV Show.

Texas Cable News reports:
"...The couple began trying to expand their family shortly after their 2006 wedding. Amanda, a thyroid cancer survivor and diabetic, had trouble conceiving. She turned to fertility treatments that involved stimulating her ovaries to produce eggs, followed by insemination. (Awfully quick to be whipping out these methods huh?)

Her first pregnancy produced twins, but she lost them at 18 weeks. The second pregnancy failed as well. A home pregnancy test in late March confirmed another pregnancy.

“The third time, I ended up getting these six,” said Amanda, 32, patting her belly.

The couple consulted leaders in their Mormon church, prayed about it, then decided to continue with a sextuplet pregnancy.

“It was definitely a surprise. There were only two eggs that were supposed to mature,” said Thomas, 31, a medical equipment salesman. “Nobody plans for six, but we’re here and we’ll make the best of it.”

If Amanda successfully delivers six living babies, she will join a small sorority of women worldwide. Estimates place the number of sextuplet births globally at less than 200 — and not all of those children survived past infancy.

In 2006, the latest year available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just 67 children nationwide were born from quintuplet (five) or larger pregnancies. Government data on sextuplets cannot be released for privacy reasons because there are so few sets.
The Dilley children, America’s first surviving sextuplets, were born in Indiana and turned 16 last month. The Gosselin six featured in the cable reality series Jon & Kate Plus Eight recently turned 5.

The Houston area has a storied history of higher-order multiples. In 1998, the Chukwu octuplets made international headlines as the first set of eight living babies. One child died later. Kingwood resident Chris Collins was pregnant with six, but one baby didn't survive in 1998 at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital.

The Stansels are chronicling their experience at, which includes a blog and appeal for sponsors. One baby products company has already offered six infant carriers.
With three extra bedrooms, they’ve got enough space (for now). They’re holding off on bigger decisions such as a vehicle that will accommodate six car seats. Because raising so many kids will be expensive, they expect to depend on relatives and friends — and they’re happy to listen to offers from reality TV show producers....Amanda’s official due date is Dec. 2, but with so many babies, the goal is for her to make it to September. "

Even Conan is getting in the act

Conan O'Brien makes fun of OctoMom and Kate.

(Worth the click!)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Just when you think it's safe to be on the internet

A sheeple who hasn't been watching the media decides to open a site called "Addicted to Jon and Kate Plus 8". *gag* Must be Baby Mama's twin.

Either Kate is hiding a bush-- or maybe she got the message

Just Jared has pictures of Kate sporting a 90s hat. Is she hiding bad hair? Did she get the message that her hair sucks and no one in their right mind wants to copy it? Or is she deluded enough to think enough people care about her that she needs to hide herself from the "p-people"?

Clarification on the American Chopper/JK8 eps

As I was aimlessly flipping through the television menu today, I saw that on Monday, there is a 1.5 hour episode of American Chopper on from 7:30-9pm. Then we get to see the back end of American Chopper visiting the G10. *gag*

You can take the girl out of the alley but you can't take the alley out of the girl...

A couple extra juicy videos today

At E! Online, you can see Kate running errands. See how bitchy she is. If you look at the related videos, you can see how Jon does at his "job" and how he uses his media connections oh, so wisely.

See videos

And below, go to the 1:25 minute marker. It talks about how Mady calls her mean, but then you hear Mady ask for a drink of water and Kate drinks in front of her. Mady tells her "You're really, really mean. You drank it in front of my face. " and Kate never gives her a sip! (No, Jon, that isn't abuse or exploitation!)

Jon and Kate get more Advice from Octomom

Radar Online is letting Octomom insert her foot into her mouth again.

(Click link for video)

Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman says her reality show will be different than Jon & Kate Plus 8.
For an exclusive new interview only with, Nadya (sitting on her bed with 8 crying babies!) watched Jon & Kate Plus 8 Monday night as the show marked its 100th episode on TLC.

For starters, Nadya says 100 episodes is too much.

"I don't know if it will be different.. I just don't want it as often...Fewer episodes a year just to support them.. That's enough."

Nadya -- who has six older children in addition to the octuplets-- also suggested people really can't compare her situation to the Gosselin's. Said Nadya: "14 is almost double 8 kids."

Nadya also says she's concerned about what will happen to Jon and Kate's kids when the cameras eventually stop rolling. She says they may need counseling to deal with the sudden loss of attention and that it could create a void.
"That could be a problem," she said.

Monday, June 8, 2009

6/8 Recap: How Emerill lost his BAM!

Cue Mr. Roger’s music….” It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood, A beautiful day for a neighbor, Would you be mine? Could you be mine? … I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you, I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you. So let's make the most of this beautiful day, Since we're together, we might as well say, Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Won't you be my neighbor?

See Kate waft onto the couch and proclaim, “Whoever lands in the interview chair does the interview. It’s called rolling with life.” No, no, Kate, it’s called a script.

Jon and Kate claimed they met Emerill in an elevator. Jon says getting in an elevator with the family is “an unsightly mess”. See Jon stick his foot deeper in his mouth.

See Emerill schmooze and make granola. Is it organic?

The whole crew starts snapping beans after hand washing. All the icky boys were banished to the bathroom by “my room” as Kate said. Is it really Kate’s room? Is that allowed? Do they have to go through HER Room? Where is Jon sleeping?

The nice girls were allowed to use the bathroom near the kitchen.

The beans are used to make green bean casserole. Kate wants crunchy onions on top. Emerill was going to use blue cheese. Will this recipe be in Kate’s new book?

Jon says it is a special ep because Emerill (their pal) is there. Emerill brings out the big guns—celery.

Kate loves peeled celery.

Elan (an Emerill helper/bitch) got friendly with Jon (Kate’s helper/bitch). Jon was supposed to peel garlic but all he was really doing is separating the cloves. Bad helper/bitch.

Kate chuckled at Jon being the garlic peeler. Kate stood around doing nothing at an empty cutting board.

The kids were eating lunch meat, but was it organic. None of the crew have mentioned organic. Can you say ORGANIC boys and girls? I know you can.

Jon is pushed to the side so Cuntess Kate can work Emerill.

Elan gave the kids some nuts. One boy said he has nuts, which is more than Jon seems to have.

Emerill gives the hearts and flowers about working with kids.

The crew prepared green bean casserole, noodles and chili mac for that evening- and granola. There is nothing like a carb-laden meal to keep one fit. The chili mac had onions, celery mushrooms, low fat turkey tit, but at least they are getting some protein.

See Kate and Jon cheat to burn off the calories.

The little boys are up to no good. They told the camera guys to close their eyes while they take some toys and go outside.

Jon adds vanilla and butter to the granola we never saw the recipe for. Jon talks about the kitchen being Kate’s territory but Emerill was allowed in.

Kate berates Jon. Emerill says stop. Kate bashes him with a spatula.

They made enough food for the rest of the week. Kate was happy with that—the nanny wouldn’t have to cook.

Emerill claimed he didn’t know it was the 100ths show. Right--- that’s why you twittered it.

Emerill proclaims it “great” that he was working with the G10s. Kate felt the need to say the kids were playing and in and out through all this “what they normally do”. Can you say investigation control?

The twins stayed in to cook—organic brownies. (THERE is the O word.)

The kids came in and they had dinner. Kate said Emerill is busy and it was nice to have him there and “get to know him”. If you can get to know him in an afternoon, then we are best pals, Kate.

For the record, I counted mention of 100 eps 8 times in 30 minutes. 20 of which were show… so about ever 2.5 min.

See a cheesy montage of all the stupid eps. Thankfully no singing.

And a snapshot at the end---- of the whole family with Emerill.

Can you say boring, boys and girls?

6/8 Bam! (100th episode)

And here is the second crossover-- Emeril (who should be ashamed at prostiting himself for this media whore.

Bam! 100th Episode

To celebrate the 100th episode, Emeril Lagasse stops by the Gosselin home for cooking lessons with the entire family. The kids lend a hand and help create a delicious meal that everyone can enjoy.

Bald J-Fat

Jon is sporting bald. Will we need to watch him get more hair plugs or will he man up and work his bald mojo?

By the way, a child is present. Where is Steve the bodyguard? Or does he not protect them from this strange woman and the p-people?

Photo: Just Jared