Sunday, June 21, 2009

Video for Jon jabbering with fans and jackin' his jaw

Video to go with Jon's Father's Day. He has no idea where Kate is and he says he sleeps in the house (probably when Kate is gone) and he doesn't see Deanna as much. Right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jon may have woken up to the fact that he can't afford child support for 8 kids. He might be planning to off Kate with a mega-dose of non-organic brownies while no one is looking.

I personally think he got crabs (or worse) from one of the sluts he was sleeping with, so his latest teenager dumped him.

Ugh! If I were 20, I wouldn't want to sleep with Jon Douchebag. There are plenty of other men who don't have 8 kids and a bald spot.

Their "Announcement" tomorrow night will be that they're "taking a break from TV" to work on their marriage. Translation: they have to shut down to get the State of PA off their hineys.