Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Just when you think it's safe to be on the internet

A sheeple who hasn't been watching the media decides to open a site called "Addicted to Jon and Kate Plus 8". *gag* Must be Baby Mama's twin.

Either Kate is hiding a bush-- or maybe she got the message

Just Jared has pictures of Kate sporting a 90s hat. Is she hiding bad hair? Did she get the message that her hair sucks and no one in their right mind wants to copy it? Or is she deluded enough to think enough people care about her that she needs to hide herself from the "p-people"?

Clarification on the American Chopper/JK8 eps

As I was aimlessly flipping through the television menu today, I saw that on Monday, there is a 1.5 hour episode of American Chopper on from 7:30-9pm. Then we get to see the back end of American Chopper visiting the G10. *gag*

You can take the girl out of the alley but you can't take the alley out of the girl...

A couple extra juicy videos today

At E! Online, you can see Kate running errands. See how bitchy she is. If you look at the related videos, you can see how Jon does at his "job" and how he uses his media connections oh, so wisely.

See videos

And below, go to the 1:25 minute marker. It talks about how Mady calls her mean, but then you hear Mady ask for a drink of water and Kate drinks in front of her. Mady tells her "You're really, really mean. You drank it in front of my face. " and Kate never gives her a sip! (No, Jon, that isn't abuse or exploitation!)

Jon and Kate get more Advice from Octomom

Radar Online is letting Octomom insert her foot into her mouth again.

(Click link for video)

Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman says her reality show will be different than Jon & Kate Plus 8.
For an exclusive new interview only with RadarOnline.com, Nadya (sitting on her bed with 8 crying babies!) watched Jon & Kate Plus 8 Monday night as the show marked its 100th episode on TLC.

For starters, Nadya says 100 episodes is too much.

"I don't know if it will be different.. I just don't want it as often...Fewer episodes a year just to support them.. That's enough."

Nadya -- who has six older children in addition to the octuplets-- also suggested people really can't compare her situation to the Gosselin's. Said Nadya: "14 is almost double 8 kids."

Nadya also says she's concerned about what will happen to Jon and Kate's kids when the cameras eventually stop rolling. She says they may need counseling to deal with the sudden loss of attention and that it could create a void.
"That could be a problem," she said.