Back on 12/20, I reported a rumor that Jon and Kate were going to be spokespeople for Horizon Organic. On 12/24 (yes, I am behind on email), I received the following confirming a relationship with the Gosselins, as well as the expected freebies- but no "formal" spokesperson position.
"Thank you for your recent e-mail to Horizon Organic. We appreciate your interest in our products.
There is no formal agreement or contract between the Gosselin family and Horizon Organic. In the past, we've provided the family with Horizon Organic product to use as they wished, and we appreciate the family's support of our brand. Thanks again for contacting the Consumer Affairs Department. "
Sincerely,Celeste Muela
Consumer Response Representative
Ref: N857559
Sincerely,Celeste Muela
Consumer Response Representative
Ref: N857559