Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jon and Kate's not so romantic dinner....

Buzzfoto reports Jon and Kate eating at Mr. Chow. From the looks of it, they either had something bad to eat or they are just NOT that much into each other...

Read about it


Anonymous said...

They are so over each other!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, it's over. I've been watching the show since the first special and it is over. They should divorce, divide the kids and never speak to each other ever again.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they used a coupon.

In the second picture, Jon's carrying her purse. Shocker.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Chow's is a notorious paparazi place to spot real celebs - not flavors of the month types like J&K.

If Jon 'I have no privacy' and Kate really wanted to be out of the spotlight, why on earth would they eat there? There are hundreds of places to eat in LA without the same notoriety.

Obviously, the LOVE the spotlight. We'll probably see them having lunch at the Ivy next. Barf.