Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Wernersville, PA Topix board

Wernersville, PA Topix board should be interesting over time to see what the folks in this town think about the Greedy Gosselins.


Anonymous said...

The Gosselins have always talked about "stretching" every dollar so their kids can have everything they need. Well they definitely stretched it this time! They bought a $1.3 Million home in Wernersville, PA. I guess they do get a pretty comp. for the show or Jon just got a really good job (maybe the show helped him get the job??). Don't get me wrong here. I think the family is wonderful and the show is wonderful, but I really want to know where they get all their money.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, they are in my neck of the woods now. Watch out local'll be hit up for anything free this family can get! I used to like the Gosselins...not anymore.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Gosselin family does live here in Wernersville infact right on Heffner Road. The house is huge, with lots of property, 36 acres to be exact. They even have a little horse barn at the bottm of their hill. Their property is lined with a white pvc fencing and a brown gate. Yet, again as always this house was given to them FREE!!!! It is very disturbing to see and hear that people like the Gosselin's recieve items for free when people like me work hard to have what we have. They are the ones who put themselves in this position to have as many kids as they have. They should deal with it themselves by providing everything themselves and not asking for free handouts. This is how I feel about Jon and Kate plus 8.

gwop2009 said...

I don't know that they got it free, outside of raping the public for their "advice", "talks" and of course prostituting their children on television for a buck (or a house in this case).

Anonymous said...

I think most of these comments reek of jealousy.
They don't deserve free stuff because you have to work for it - doesn't make sense but it does sound jealous and petty.
Most people in their unique situation would consider doing what they are doing to take care of all of those kids and giving them the best life that they can.
I think people should be happy for them that they are able to do it and deal with their own selfishness separately.

- Kate W.

gwop2009 said...

No one begrudges them freebies, if they truly earned them. Jon and Kate haven't- unless you count pimping the kids as something to be rewarded.

If they were good parents contributing meaningfully to society, I think it would be great that they get freebies. But they don't.

The Gosselins are only out to make a buck any way they can and the companies that give them things (at first because they thought the Gosselins needed them) are just out for the exposure. I get that but I don't have to buy from these companies or excuse what they've done because companies are in business to make money.

Are Jon and Kate truly giving the kids the best life they can? Probably not. Kids need love, hugs and understanding more than huge homes, television shows and cameras.

Anonymous said...

They are earning their money. if you'd watch the episodes he works and she has books out. the tv show also pays big time. they didn't get their house for free. get your stories straight before you speak. the kids have lots of love, understanding, and hugs!! i honestly think the judgment and not knowing what you are talking about is really petty. know them before you talk.

gwop2009 said...

Anon 7:47pm:

Where does Jon work? Raping the public by speaking at events about things he has no clue about or do you mean his new hobby of chasing women at Shorty's Bar?

Kate didn't write MB- Beth Carson did. Her name is on it only because it is her story- let's be clear about that. Second, Kate's cookbook is a fallacy in and of itself. She stated on an episode to her kids that real cooks don't use recipes-- so why is she shoving them down our throats? Third, I never said they got their house for free- they paid $1.3M for it. Fourth, I don't see the love, understanding and hugs. I do see the hate between the parents and less understanding of the constipated kids and Mady. I also see zero hugs from the parents. But I do see Jon berate the kids for crying and Kate whining about attitudes. Finally, do you know them? How can you make judgments about them if you don't? Pot meet kettle.

Anonymous said...

Yes everyone can see that kate can be a real winner! Maybe thats why their marriage is mostly in toruble, or maybe she is always with the children. Who cares how much their new home is. The kids are what matter. Maybe our taxes are paying for it, but then again our taxes are paying those who are cheating the goverment with food stamps and cash assistance.But that would be too many people to complain about right there. Everyone wants to talk crap on them but yet you are giving them more attention by writing on the internet.

gwop2009 said...

So Amber, would your point be that everyone including me is giving them attention by writing about it on the Internet?

Wouldn't the same be true if we wrote about all those people cheating the government.

Squeaky wheels get the grease. If you want to talk about the government cheaters, I am sure websites exist for that topic. If you write about them, maybe you can do something about it.

For me, I just like snark.

Jeff Myrtle said...

nice house. 226 heffner road, wernersburg, pa. good for them. opinions aside, let us remember that this is america, the land of opportunity. and the gosselins have been given this opportunity to profit from a show they are a part of; and they chose to take advantage of it. i say "more power to them." without this show, this family would most likely not have the means to provide adequately for the kids, including a solid education, which is they key to building a productive adult life.

for me the show is more than a family's daily life. it's a real depiction of the struggles the modern american family faces when raising children, while trying to manage a marriage.

in this case, they have a less than desirable marriage. who wouldn't? kate is very tough--many times unreasonable--and jon seems deflated because of it. should he cavort with coeds in a bar? probably not. but if i had a wife and she constantly berated and emasculated me as kate does jon, i'd probably do the same thing.

gwop2009 said...

I can go with almost everything you say except that the show depicts an American family and its struggles-- there is no struggle and they aren't even close to a real American family. :)

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed watching Jon and Kate Plus 8, and the children, especially the little ones, are too dear for words.

However, I also see an increasing amount of tension between the parents and a dramatic attitude change on the part of Kate, probably due to the tabloid difficulties, the pressure of the show, a new house, and a dozen other things.

This is understandable, but will this show last? And will the Gosselins remain intact?

Anonymous said...

Of oourse they are not the real American family...thats why they are on tv...and we are not.

Anonymous said...

I thought the TV episode, "The Gosselin's go Green," was quite ironic. The only GREEN Kate Gosselin likes, is the GREEN that goes into her wallet and stays there forever! Bet they did not pay one GREEN dollar for the GREEN house. I also think it is a nasty thing to go to book signings for a book Beth Carson wrote. Kate never knew what a spa was until she met Beth. Kate knew little about much until she met Beth. Kate is an ungrateful, greedy bword and some day she will regret burning all of her bridges behind. Some day she may realize how important family and real friends are.

Anonymous said...

First off to all the people that are hating/ jealous of the Gosselins, HAVENT YOU SEEN THEM 6 kids and they did not plan on having 6 kids! Besides its a blessing to them! you try having 8 kids and see what happens! You should hate if they were mistreating their kids and using all that money to themselves. They obviously are doing things for their kids! Theyre giving them a life that the kids deserve. All of you that are hating are just jealous that you don't have the guts to be able to raise 8 kids. And its hard especially since their both sets of multiples and theyre all young so its not like the twins can baby sit the lil ones! SO STOP BEING JEALOUS and be GRATEFUL there are people like them out there! Besides if you wana talk smack talk about the other people on TLC theyre just popping out kids just to pop out kids! Jon and Kate just tried to have kids twice and ended up with 8

Anonymous said...

I liked Kate a lot better before she became a rich snob. I don't fault her for taking advantage of her situation. With 8 kids, you take what you can get when you can get it. We would all love to not have to worry about money, educations, weddings, etc. But, she used to be, for the most part, likable. You could relate to their struggles because they were real. Now, she just acts like she is better than everyone else. My kids love the show which is why we still watch it. I just wish Kate would go back to the person who I used to admire for her dedication to her children rather than the person who is now dedicated to how much she can have. She could take a lesson from Beth about how a wealthy person should act.

Anonymous said...

The problem I have with these two folks is that from what has been reported she had the sextuplets, gratis the taxpayers aka medicaid, of Pennsylvania. Apparently, Jon is not the best example of the Protestant Work Ethic. Watching the show, their children, just seem an end to a means. It seems exploitive of their children. Read the Philadelphia Magazine article. It is sad really.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they are exploiting their kids! The show is high in the ratings and dvd sales which means people "want" to see what their life is like. The first show I saw, she was working double shifts at the hospital on weekends and he was an IT specialist. So, they were working class folks. The money that they earn from doing the show in response to other people's curiousity has enabled them to buy their 8 kids a nice house and has allowed them to have a life that they otherwise wouldn't have been able to have. Kate has openly admitted this. My guess is if they want to send 8 kids to college, they will have to continue with the show a while longer. And they are very loving parents and the kids are well mannered and intelligent. I can tell from the way they nurture and care for those kids that it's not all about the money for them. I also think Jon & Kate have their "moments" just like any other couple. I enjoy the show and relate to it and hope that they work their problems out and continue with the show.

gwop2009 said...

So high DVD sales makes alllll the difference. I'll be sure to tell that to the kiddie porn police. Just bc people want it doesn't mean it's right. And I am quite sure that with the 1.3m house money they could have paid for the kid's college and quit the show. Also, that have TAP college funds from the PA governor. Finally, Jon's $40k car could have helped as well.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord the backwoods Oakies from Pa are at it again. Your jealousy just shows how unthankful you are and what ingrates you are. This family is doing the best they can. I personally PRAY that GOD continues to bless them and that the issues that have come up that are "PRIVATE" family issues get resolved like they would in any family that does not live in a fish bowl. I agree with the people here that see the jealousy, the gossipers who of all things put the home address here. How f'ing stupid of you. They have children and now you have publically put their home address on the internet. You have nothing better to do but shoot the $hit. Give me a break, that's why you live in the backwoods of America. To those hardworking, Godly honest people of PA I salute you, I feel sorry for you too having all these oakies living in your area. Stupid people. John & Kate way to go, keep enjoying YOUR life. As they say it's "Our Life".

gwop2009 said...

Anon 5:36, you seem a little naive or ignorant. First,Jon has admitted he has no job. How is that doing the best the can? Or is his best skirting around? Second, anyone who has put the address out there has done nothing mrs than post what anyone could look up in public record. Andxas for the kids being safe. They have a tv crew that is like family according to Kate and a nanny as well as security guards (much as Katie Irene does!).

Anonymous said...

If you had 8 kids to support, what would you do? Better than being on welfare, or "just getting by". My guess is, they will stick it out on the show unless tempers really start to flare.

Jacquelouise Carlson said...

I cannot believe some of these comments! I have met Kate Gosselin at a book signing in Sarasota, Florida and she is the most gracious, loving person I have ever met. I am 64 years old and would be very proud to be a surragate Grammie for all of those beautiful children. I have not missed any of their programs and yes, I have both of her books. Jon & Kate, I think you are two very lucky individuals and must be very proud of your family. I hope you continue with your programs for if I had a choice of anything on television(and I have many favorites), I would not miss Jon & Kate Plus 8. The shop owners and citizens of Wernersville, PA should be very proud that you have picked that specific place to raise your wonderful family. If you ever need a "Grammie" I will be there. Love to All 10!

Anonymous said...

"I have met Kate Gosselin at a book signing in Sarasota, Florida and she is the most gracious, loving person I have ever met."

Jacquelouise, do you really think you can accurately judge a persons character after speaking with them for two minutes? Give me a couple bucks and I'll be the most gracious loving person for two minutes as well.

Anonymous said...

I had a dream about the Gosselins last night and in this dream I saw they were having infidelity problems. Then I woke up this morning to confirm it on the internet. Wow. I hope they don't get a divorce. It will be another sad statistic. This is a Christian couple and they fell to the temptations of the world instead of staying grounded in the Word of the Lord. I'll be praying for their marriage, the welfare of the children and the family as a whole.

I just wish they never bought the big house so soon and do so much book signings and other deals while the family is in such turmoil.

Kate I know you deserve your time now, but please your children need you more then you can imagine.

I just wish that Kate would stop belittling Jon on TV. It's so not Christian like. You make him feel so stupid and as if he knows nothing. Be grateful that he does as much as he does. It's more than what I can say for most dad's out there. Just because he doesn't do things the way you like them done doesn't mean it's wrong. Be greatful for the things he does.

I do have to put into consideration that Jon never really sowed out his wild oats as it is men mature more slowly then women. So please cut him some slack.

Please get good Godly counseling before you think about divorce. And go back to your humble roots and not think that you need the best and biggest of everything. Remember our treasures lay in Heaven with a mansion bigger than you can imagine.

Anonymous said...

Maybe all of this drama being played out in the media is leading to a visit from Dr. Phil on the show and then they will reconcile. Think of the ratings! I can't imagine why they would buy a 1.3 million home if they hadn't intended to both live there.

Anonymous said...

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!

gwop2009 said...

Um yeah, Anon 11:46am, let's move on to cold hard facts. God doesn't even begin to figure into the Gosselin's world so let's leave the faith/fantasy/superstition to some other topic.

Janice Mortimer said...

I find this blog so sad. seem very bitter. I am sorry that your life obviously has not worked out they way you would have liked and it's a shame you waste so much time blogging about a family you dont even know. I am amazed how alot of people can bash and blame. I am sure Kate is not always uptight and nagging. I know the producers of the show can ask both Jon and Kate to react in certain ways and I know that the amount of film collected takes alot of editing to fit in one show so they pick what they believe people will want to watch (Kate having a meltdown). I enjoy this show. I enjoy the conflicts because it makes me feel like I am not alone in my parenting woes.

I would love people to blog with their real names instead of hiding behind their computer screens.

Jon and Kate, you probebly dont read blogs because of people like these, but by chance if you do catch a glimpse, I hope you work things out. Remember why you fell in love. Enjoy the kids and take time out for yourselves.

Janice Mortimer
Ontario, Canada

gwop2009 said...

Dear Janice Mortimer,
I find it a shame that you bash this blog and you find you can make assumptions about me- a person you don't even know and something you accuse me of doing. If I am bitter, then you must be as well.

I can't believe you would be so naive as to think that they just pick the meltdowns as something that the public wants to see. I've worked in the film industry and it doesn't take as long to come up with the material as you think. Unless the rumors of too much fighting are true and they just can't use what they film. And if they are asking Jon and Kate to act a certain way- is it really a reality show? I think not- and this just adds to the opinion that the Gosselins are duping the public- yourself included.

What I find even more sad is that you would even think that you and Kate would have anything in common. Are you a greedy, self serving bitch, too?

But what I really find the saddest about your post, dear Janice, is that you would identify with conflict. What does that say about you and your life (since you seem to think mine sucks so bad)? It seems you either enjoy negative things in your life or you're just a wallowing bon-bon eating stay at home mom who takes the abuse her husband dishes out and loves every minute of it because he is "my man".

Jon and Kate have admitted they read blogs. I don't know of they look at this one and if you read my FAQ I could care less if they did.

I like snark. I've made that very clear. It's posts like yours that make for more snarking. Thanks for the laughs. Enjoy your "parenting woes". I'm sure your kids will be joining the Gosselin kids in group therapy later in life.

Anonymous said...

Fame and greed have destroyed this family; it is really that simple. It's basic human nature to always want a little more and Mrs. Gosselin has lost sight of what really matters. She emasculates and belittles her husband publicly and this is wrong--but on the flip side, he lets her. It's okay to be a strong woman--but that reputation shouldn't be bought by tearing down the man who is supposed to be your life partner! These kids are being exploited...but we're all guilty here, not just their Mom and Pop! If we didn't watch and buy into it, they wouldn't be able to keep pimping their family for more money, trips, and freebies. Maybe it's time to turn off our t.v. and focus on our own children and spouses and force the Gosselins to do the same. I think I'll do that now...good luck Jon and Kate, suck it up and work it out, you owe it to yourselves, your children, and your extended family (bring them back in to this--your babies need them!)

Queitsch Hof said...

Amazing... to see all the jealousy in these comments. I have watched the show a few times and noticed how hard Kate works. They both work hard- it is so obvious.

The best thing she could do was buy a house to have a safe place for her kids. If you notice there is a large expanse of lawn between the house and road and this will allow round-the-clock cameras to detect if some stranger is trying to sneak up on them, They can let the dogs out to guard the property now that there is a fence around the perimeter. This property was a must for the well being of their kids.

Whether she paid for the property directly from income or she paid in the form of compensation from producers for her work on the show is only a matter of what worked best for taxes. Hard to believe so many of you are so blind to how the world works. Kate and Jon work hard, both by having 8 children and taking good care of them, but also in all the organization it takes to make it a thriving enterprise.

Yes Kate may be a little anal as she herself admitted, and she may bit a bit bossy with Jon, but lots of us are the same with our husbands. But they are great parents and Kate is always willing to learn something new and so what if she didnt know about spas. She learned. How many of you are willing to learn something new? Accept her how she is- a human being with flaws as well as golden qualities of organization and love.

gwop2009 said...

Queitsch Hof- if you watched it longer an knew the issues behind the scenes that have now been exploding onto the front page of magazines, you wouldn't call kate just a little anything. She's all about money- not her kids or her husband. The only thing people mean to her are either meal tickets (her kids) or someone who can do something for her (Jon, Carla, Beth, Aunt Jodi,etc.).

Anonymous said...

Kate is a bi#$%.
Jon needs to grow a pair.

I feel bad for the kids, but they will both realize what they have, and haven't done for their children once they hit thier teen ain't seen nuthin' yet!

suemny said...

Last night's season premiere was painful to watch. What ever happened to that delightful,happy young couple struggling to raise 8 adorable little kids? Fame and fortune has torn them in two directions. Kate has come to love the media exposure and all of the perks that go along with it, especially the financial rewards. Jon is fed up with the whole thing...from being a stay-at-home dad, loss of personal identity AND the lack of privacy. Well, guess what? Fame and fortune come at a price; that price is the total loss of personal privacy. What would Jon rather be... poor and have all the privacy he wants, or be wealthy, drive a new sports car :), live in a million dollar home AND not have to worry about how he's going to put his kids through college?? I know what my choice would be! Jon needs to do a lot of growing up, and go out and find a job that gets him out of the house so he can interact with other adults. Kate needs reprioritize. She seems to have gotten too greedy, and will always be looking for more money. I liked her better in her fuzzy pink bathrobe with uncombed hair, drinking a mug of coffee while making breakfast for her kids. Now she has the french manicure, sprayed on tan, and professional make-up. Not exactly my idea of a mom with 8 kids, who claims that her kids would never be raised by a nanny. What shame to have watched this marriage degenerate into a sleazy soap opera!

Gypsy said...

For the love of mike, leave these people alone. They're just trying to raise their family.

Kate is an exceptional Mom. She's loving, caring, organized, cooks organic (for goodness sake!).Does she EVER get out of the kitchen?!

Jon needs to grow up.

I so enjoy watching the show. I've been watching it since it first started. And will continue.

I just hope that whatever is best for the family will be.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice if Jon & Kate decide to draw from and lean on their Christian faith. Such a lovely family, seems such a shame to break it up. My hope and prayer is that their eyes will be taken off of the publicity and their show and really focused on their marriage and family. Yes, Kate can be sarcastic and yes Jon can be too laid back, however,,,having eight children takes a very strong mother and a very supportive father. My prayers are with Jon and Kate who are clearly both hurting.

Anonymous said...

I have watched this TLC reality show from day one and enjoyed every moment until this past Monday's episode. Unfortunately, privacy can no longer be an expectation when you become a "star" with the paparazzi breathing down your back. It comes with fame and fortune. And what was their "taking their wedding vows" again last August all about??? On today and off tomorrow? Nice to get a two week vacation out of it too! This program has definitely turned into a soap opera....can't wait for the next chapter! Wishing Kate & Jon can get it together, but I think they will need professional assistance to reach that goal. Good luck to them....they have 8 adorable children who are at stake here.

Anonymous said...

many don't like that the gosselins get so much stuff for free, but when you think about it, they're offered all this stuff. if someone offered you all this nice stuff, wouldn't you take it?

gwop2009 said...

My beef isn't that they get stuff for free. It is that they continue to cry poor when they obviously aren't.

To answer your question, would I take freebies. Not at the expense of my children, family, or spouse.

Unknown said...

I was very sad watching the new episode on Monday. I think the whole circus just got away from them. They may have started out with good intentions (showing the world what it's like being the parents of multiples) but it kind of became the show driving them instead of the other way around. I do feel sorry for the kids, having to put up with the "p-people" everywhere they go. You can see it in the twins -I think they'd be just as happy to have all this go away.

Kate says that everything she does is for her kids. By now, their futures are set - college paid for, etc. Maybe it's time for Jon and Kate to step out of the spotlight and go back to raising their kids as a private family. It may take awhile, but eventually the tabloids and photographers will lose interest in them and move on to the next new thing.

I just wish them all the best.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone thought about boycotting every product advertised during their time-slot? Just a thought.....

Anonymous said...

We watch jon and kate plus8,all the time . It's one thing to buy a big house and another to put your childs lives in front of millions of people who watch the show.Jon i feel sorry for him being talked to now that's not how you should talk to your spouse.I think jon and kate are going to need someone to talk to them about their relationship or better yet make this the last season of their show.You can't put your dirty laundry out their for everyone to watch. Kate mindt need someone to talk to it's only going to hurt their children more if they keep up the fronts on the show.I would end the show and go have a private life what's lefted of a private life for thoses children.

Anonymous said...

I dont think its ok to be posting their address. Its not safe for the children. B4 anyone decides to say "o well the show isnt safe for them" screw you, your just jealous. The show isnt doing any harm for the kids. Jon and Kate dont ask for free things people give it to them bc in return it helps out their company its like free advertising. Celebs get free things offered to them all the time...stop being so jealous of them and leave them alone...GET YOUR OWN LIFE. Also i watch the show all the time and I see hugs and kisses in each and every episode so stop saying they dont love their kids.

gwop2009 said...

Anon 4:47 pm: Regarding the address, it is public record. Who cares? Second, I don't see jealousy on this board. Why don't you get your own life while you're at it and stop being so damn naive? Any attention Kate gives the kids is for the camera only. She is a cold hearted person.

Anonymous said...

No matter how they SEEM, it is edited TV... we can't really know who they are alone. "Where there's smoke there's fire... yes, the marriage seems legitimately in crisis. I just don't think we can judge. New riches get to many people (celebs, athletes, and lottery winners) for instance... Jon & Kate may get things in perspective. No one forces us to watch the show. Let's wish them well... B IN NJ

Anonymous said...

Stop using the kids as "pawns" to advance your personal wealth and fame. Has anyone bothered to ask the kids what "they" want? The next book to be published is a "cookbook" and she's promoting it by letting the paparazzi photograph her in a bikini! She's bored taking care of those 8 kids full-time and this show isn't all she wants. Get ready--next is a talk show called "Kate"!

Anonymous said...

It appears on the show that Kate really enjoys hearing herself talk. Time will tell whether or not they and the kids will be screwed up from the publicity machine. As far as being able to provide for the kids, what do the Dilleys and the McCaugheys do? Maybe they should have an episode where those families come to visit. I'm sure their advice would be more useful to the Gosselins than Emerils'l, Sara Snow's, Duff's or those guys from OC Choppers. ( I watch 24 on Mondays anyway.)

jacqueline millan said...

can't anyone see what is truly going on?

blame tlc and discovery for the freebies. the producers see a goldmine in their lives and they make all of the plans for trips, freebies etc. and jon and kate are contractually obligated to "do their job for payment."

also i see how the emeril visit is now in a therapy mode. the producers are getting them slowly together in the same space to get use to their being in close situations. kate seemed more relaxed than the season premier. too bad she is still hitting people---but not jon, yet.

jon, if you ever feel that threat from kate coming on just walk out of the surroundings for awhile. maybe an hour or two. that will upset the producers and kate and before long you will have trained them you deserve the respect of any father trying to do a good job. keep up the spirit.

God love you all.

jacqueline millan
central, NJ

Anonymous said...

Now that Emeril has appeared on "Kate's" show, he will have to reciprocate with Kate (minus Jon) visiting his show just in time for the release of her new cookbook. I think commercials with the 8 kids to further exploit and self promote are in the horizon. Trust me, this woman wants to be the next "Kelly Ripka" but she's not nearly as sincere or likeable. And Kelly looks better in a bikini too! Did anyone else notice how quickly Kate went from talking about the show as being "a means of documenting for the kids" to the touring, books, etc. as being "MY JOB"!?

gwop2009 said...

Anon 1:07: I hear that. You know Kate is bucking for her own cooking show and she thinks Emerill (who lost his on Food Network) is the way to go.

Second rate is as second rate does.

Anonymous said...

In the beginning Jon & Kate said "God & their church family were central to their marriage." These appear to be have been replaced with a million dollar home, an expensive sports car and lucrative book deals. No wonder this family is in shambles! I bet the kids were happier when mom & dad lived together in the smaller home, Jon had a "regular" job and people weren't filming their bathroom visits or shopping trips.

Anonymous said...

J&K seem to think just because they "chose" to have 6 kids all at the same time and twins, that they "deserve" more than the majority of families who struggle to make it on a daily basis! And Kate crying on national tv that "couples of multiples have higher divorce rates and they thought they would beat the odds!" Well Kate, you wanted fame & fortune. This is the price you have to pay for it. You get no sympathy from me!

kris said...

I am a resident of wernersville pa it is not called wernersburg it is spelled how it is sounds and i personally do not care it is a reality show not real life.

Our sleepy little town do not need the media here we as the residents and i mean all of us in wernersville do not like the media ambushing us and asking us dumb questions like do you know where jon and kate lives i tell them it is a need to know and you don't need to know like all of us that are born and raised in wernersville pa.

do not want the media this town is a quiet town we like privcy and relaxation , we have some richy people and poor people mixed in our town we have middle class and trashy people in our town. we don't want magiznes like us and people to ask us dumb questions.

this is how it is yes they live in wernersville pa. no they did not buy their house it was free from tlc they paid for it it is community news no hidden lies about that.

yes kate and jon are snobby people with additudes.

yes kate gets free food from gaint because of tlc doing plug in for gaint foods. Yes i work there i would know.

are we jealous of them no we have our own lives here in wernersville pa but this is not a tourist attraction,we have a golf course and drug rehab and a orchard and a ice cream shoppe if you all think that is attraction then knock your socks off other wise no.

reason why i sounds like i am griping is because i am a native to my town i did not move in like the gosslins did i am from here i went to the local schools i married here in my town and i live in my town until the day i pass away.

what bugs me is this i am sick and tired of the dumb questions we had no one to blame but our selves when we let these people move to this town but we are a small town not a big town.

Imay sound like i am goijng off because i am.

I seen camra men in our town on 422 fliming houses and locals and pizza places to get a glimps of these people and they have no respect to even give us a ccurticy and give a wave or be nice to us they are no one all they are is reality show not the president.

Iam sure he would not be so rude and crude to us like these people are.

Our town is not a tourist attraction point blank and for the ones who take this the wrong way sorry but that is life and fact.

they are not Donald trump or a rock star and they sure an't know movie star for us to get a crap about they are greedy people looking for a free hand out from food to getting a free home that they will never ever pay for it is all bought by tlc good god for that.

sooner or later it will nail them in the tushies when they actually have to pay for things and a mortage as well.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I've stopped watching....period. The movie star teeth, the french manicures, the spray-on tan and all the other freebies did it for me. Normal American family? I think not. The real message being sent out to the American public is to have a litter via in vitro and that will guarantee a reality show and LOTS OF MONEY.....WRONG MESSAGE. If you don't want, or can't afford 6 children at once then don't have 6 or more eggs implanted. If it's not Jon and Kate, TLC is only going to start filming another couple with too many children who couldn't possibly fathom "fetal reduction". How about TLC focuses on a family that is large because they have adopted or taken in foster kids. Now there is an act of kindness that should be rewarded and shared.

Anonymous said...

she is so very nasty about 2 yrs ago i was in toys r us on harrisburg pike in lancaster pa and she was in there shopping--she demanded they open a register just for her to go through so she didn't have to wait-it was november. my little girl-4 yrs old went up to her and aksed her if she was kate and she yelled at her to get away and leave her alone that she was to busy shopping for christmas what a b----. the line were not long but she was too important to wait like the rest of us poor folk. she is nasty and money hungry and she deserves to loose it all.

Anonymous said...

Jon and Kate have officially lost it. I have seen photos of Kate spanking her kids!?! Their million dollar home, the paparazzi folloing them, and...everything they want. Personally, I feel bad for the kids. They are still innocent little children who almost have NO idea whats going on to themselves. A possible divorce, hatered and more! Poor little kids dont deserve a selfish mom like Kate or a doorknob of a dad like Jon. Your show used to be my favorite, but im stopping!!!!

suemny said...

The show is no longer about Jon and Kate and their 8 kids. It's all about J and K and who can make the snottiest comments and digs towards one another. They obviously can't stand each other anymore. In an effort to salvage the show and boost ratings TLC has resorted to bringing in "guests" to act as buffers, since there is virtually no interaction between Jon and Kate. Why doesn't TLC put J and K AND the viewers out of their misery by cancelling the show now, instead of dragging it out for the last two years of their contract. If that happens, Kate, no doubt, will sue for the $$ that they would have gotten had they stuck it out for the next two years. And it's not about "providing for my kids" anymore. It'a all about greed and ego with Kate. Jon, as much as he is NOW trying to act like the poor me disrespected husband, basically is still an unmotivated, lazy wuss, who will trade in his dignity and self-respect for all the freebies, the latest being the fancy custom motorcycle. And now the big draw for the next show is some earth shattering decision they have made. We all are waiting for them to announce the obvious...that they are separating. But it probably will be that they are going into counseling, and we may all have the privilege of being privvy to that. How pathetic! Good for them if they want to try to save thir marriage (unlikely at this point), but it should be done in private. It's all about the money, isn't it? I feel sorry for their kids. They have become a cash crop for two very self-centered parents. What goes around comes aorund. One day J and K will pay the price for what they have done to their "family," and I don't mean just the kids.

Anonymous said...

Yhey need to concentrate on their marrage, for the sake of the kids. ' forsakeing all others' get back to your roots... GET BACK TO CHURCH... GET BACK TO GOD. AND FOR PETE SAKES GET SOM GOOD CHRISTIAN COUNCELING !

Anonymous said...

OK, now TLC needs to pull the plug on this show. This show was suppose to document the "family life" of a married couple with 2 sets of multiples. To continue with this show now that J/K have announced they are divorcing would be utter hypocrisy. And that Jon is nothing but a "manchild"! Now that TLC is supporting his 8 children, he is free to play with his toys and chase women. I hear he is checking out the rent in the Trump Towers! He has the 2 earrings now, is back to smoking and has returned to the lowlife piece of trash he was when Kate met him!

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Jon & Kate!FOOLS! What happened to commitment and marriage counseling and two adults acting like adults and working through issues and problems. Wait until your children google all the details of this mess and find out how their mother disrespected their father by belittling him on national t.v. and how their father disrespected their mother by running around on her and then lying about it because he didn't have the ability or backbone to be a man and take a stand and lead his family. You are BOTH childish and disgraceful and traded in your children's emotional well being for 15 minutes of fame, a million dollar home, and a picture on the cover page on every tabloid in the U.S.!! I hope it was worth it!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but Jon is pathetic. He should have "grown a pair" (like Kate) and asserted himself as the head of his household a long time ago and put TLC out of his home. He looks like a simple minded, oversized little boy with 2 earrings and a bald spot, talking about his pending divorce stating "He's excited" and "He's only 32!" In my opinion, he's just another "deadbeat Dad" who made 8 babies and is abandoning them to pursue his own selfish desires and leaving his "Baby's Momma" to raise his kids. He's relieved that Kate filed for divorce and his children are being physically taken care of by someone else! He doesn't even work on a regular basis. Now he can bar hop, chase women, ski, and parent whenever the mood suits him. What a WHIMP!

steve b said...

I believe if you put your life on TV your asking for trouble. They did not need to document there children growing up on tv, that's what camcorders are for. Jon and Kate don't need to divorce, they need time away from the cameras and fame and just maybe they will think, really about the kids and what a divorce will do to those children.If they really want to do for those kids..drop the show!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate to see them get divorced..but come on Jon why would you look for someone else..Kate is HOTT. Oh well maybe i'll have a chance with her. Ah Just kidding. Good luck to everyone and I hope it works out

Anonymous said...

SO SAD! This time last year they were renewing their wedding vows in front of their kids and promised their kids that they would stay together FOREVER! So now on top of all of the other emotional baggage they have heaped on these 8 innocent children, they are sending a message to their children that they are LIARS and can NEVER be trusted to be honest with them again. Kate says SHE feels like a failure. Again, everything is about HER. You AND Jon have failed at COMMUNICATING for your CHILDREN'S SAKE! You don't go from renewing wedding vows to divorce in the span of a few months! Turn off the freakin' cameras, invest in your marriage and spend some of that money on counseling, and get back to why you married and had 8 kids in the first place!

Anonymous said...

I read the show is on hiatus so that they can regroup after the divorce announcement and when/if they return 'JonBoy' wants his "girlfriend" (the 23 yr old he swore on the TODAY show that he WASN'T cheating on his wife with) to be part of the show. How trashy, low class, and inconsiderate of the children is that?

suemny said...

How this show has changed! What began as a delightful look inside a family trying to raise 8 kids has turned into a sleazy soap opera. Kate, always a bossy, control freak, is now a greedy, self-centered prima donna. She is now playing the "poor me" don't understand what went wrong; I tried so hard. How about years of berating your husband in front of millions of viewers, and being gone most of the time, all in the name of "providing for your family." Those kids are being raised by nannies and cared for by the dozens of other "helpers" Kate admits to having. Jon, once a passive, laid back guy, in fact really is a lazy, unambitious 32 year old, going on 18. He hasn't had a job in years, but lives in a million dollar home, drives a $40,00+ car, tools around on a custom motorcycle, and now wants to buy an apartment in Trump Plaza in NYC? Not bad for a guy who stays home and plays with his kids for a living! Then, at night while his kids are in bed, he is on the prowl.He really turned out to be a big loser. Kate is who she is; we could see that from day one, so no surprise there. Why she is so shocked at the recent turn of events is beyond me. Everyone else saw it coming. Fame, greed and ego have overtaken these two self, centered people. Unfortunately the biggest losers of all will be those 8 kids. They will not have to, as Jon said, Google their dad to find out what a jerk he is. I'm sure Cara and Maddie already know. I think most of Kate's time spent with her kids is for the benefit of the cameras. I wonder how much time she actually spends with them when the cameras aren't rolling? TLC should cancel this show. There are too many unhappy marriages and dysfunctional families amid all of us in real life. We don't need to tune in to tv to see that. Remember the Loud family back in the 70's? Jon and Kate is a repeat of that show, the only difference being that J and K have more kids! These poor kids are nothing more than a cash crop to their parents. Shame on them!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jon & Kate, there was another kid who was forced in front of the constant glare of the cameras due to his parents desire to be rich and famous. The kid grew up to be an unhappy, dysfunctional adult who constantly talked about his unhappy childhood! He later developed an expensive addiction to prescription drugs in attempt to deaden the constant state of pain he was in due to all of the emotional baggage he had to live with. You know who I'm talking about--turn on the t.v. Is this what you want for your 8 kids Jon & Kate? Turn off the cameras and save your children lives!

Anonymous said...

I hear Jon-Boy has a new 22 year old girlfriend and she's the daughter of the surgeon that did Kate's tummy tuck. I recall that Kate & the surgeon's wife were good friends. How's that for rubbing salt into the wound? I wasn't a real big fan of Kate's but after the initial shock of this wears off, she should be jumping for joy that this jerk is out of her life.

Anonymous said...

This is America afterall but my fellow Americans are so greedy this is way America will soon be run by the Chinese. I work hard for a living too and still can't afford the life that the Gosselins are given. I can't afford to take my 2 children to Disney World or anything where else for that matter. So in my opinion the flame as went out for show. So move over Gosselins and let someone else have a piece of the America Pie.

Anonymous said...

I love watching the children, especially when they were younger. The older shows were more about taking care of them at it is about special outings. Not so interesting to me.

What BLOWS MY MIND THE MOST is according to Jon and Kate..."things have been really tough for 6 mos." REALLY, 6 MONTHS AND YOU THROW IN THE TOWEL. I worked 5 years to save my marriage so I could look at my children one day and say "I did everything I could to save our family." Now, 5 years might be a little too long, but 6 MONTHS.

Kate is a control freak, but I bet Jon knew that before he married her. Jon is a loser!!!

Anonymous said...

Have to admit... we drove by the Gosselin home by chance this weekend, and it was a little freakish to see the paparazzi with cameras at the ready to catch whatever they could. The one had a huge telephoto lens and was sitting on a cooler. I wouldn't like living like that, but in this day, if you invite people into your world by putting yourself on tv, you have to expect that. In addition to the kids who are going to have a chronicle of their parents split on tv for their viewing, I also feel sorry for the neighbors who have blocked their driveways with cones to avoid having the curious come onto their property. They didn't ask for this. I'll be avoiding Heffner Road from now on!

Anonymous said...

Boy, Jon didn't waste any time hooking up with another considerably younger woman. He could have at least waited until his kids had a chance to adjust to their mommy & daddy not being at the dinner table and on family vacations at the same time before he dumped this on them. This guy has absolutely no class whatsoever! I can't believe that this couple just renewed their vows 12 months ago! Like the song says "money is the root of all evil, can do funny things to some people!"

Anonymous said...

Nothing is worse than a fat, balding, 32 year old man who fathered 8 kids and dumped them on his wife to raise, acting like an 18 year old boy with an elevated testosterone level. What would "any" woman want with him? I would consider prostitution or short order cooking in Hell before dating Jon. These young girls see one thing and one thing only when they date him and that's MONEY! No mature woman would want him! I hear this one is a pot smoking piece of trash and he bought her a $100,000 ring. That's just great Jon. I'm sure she will be an exceptional role model for your 8 kids--especially the girls. Never thought I'd say this, but Kate's the better parent. He's nothing but an overgrown child!

Anonymous said...

Jon doesn't look anything like the loving, responsible father who was completely committed to his family in the earlier shows. I think I understand Kate better now. It was obvious that she had more education than Jon, but now I can see that she was supervising an adult child. His new girlfriend is also an admitted "bisexual". I have to say, when I saw the pictures of Jon & her lighting up cigarettes I thought how well suited they are for one another. I couldn't picture Jon & this woman raising 8 kids. If I was Kate, I wouldn't want this woman OR Jon anywhere near my children without very close supervision or a police escort. TLC needs to call the show "Kate Plus 8" and cut this guy completely out altogether. At least Kate is working, carries herself with class and dignity and she now has the real responsibility of raising 8 kids. Wait until these kids are old enough to google and read about their Dad on their own. I wouldn't be surprised if the 2 older girls haven't done this already. I also wouldn't be surprised if Jon's public display of adultery is to ensure that he doesn't get shared custody of his kids. Then he is completely free to run around to bars with 20 year olds, not work and ride his motorcycle around and collect alimony from his working ex-wife Kate.

suemny said...

Jon Gosselin turned out to be the biggest LOSER! I was never a huge fan of Kate's, but she deserves to have sole custody of those kids. Based on Jon's recent behavior, he should only be allowed supervised visitation, and that trampy pot-head of a new girlfriend should not be allowed within 10 miles of those children! The thought of Jon or Kate designing a line of kids clothes is ludicruous. Both of their tastes are all in their mouths. But they'll do anything to jump on the gravy train. They have no shame or self-respect when it comes to money. Gimme, gimme, gimme! I wonder if Cara or Maddy have been online yet and seen "daddy" and his latest trollop? Why doesn't Jon try to get a "real" job if he finds this public invasion of his privacy so distasteful? I'll tell you why...because he is a lazy, unambitious, horny 32 year old going on 18, who doesn't want to work. He wants a free handout any way he can get it. I now find him quite repulsive. Kate is fortunate to be rid of that millstone around her neck.

Anonymous said...

So far, based on what I've observed from Jon's behavior, I think Kate's account of what was going on with Jon and the marriage is true. I read that Jon turned into someone that she didn't know and that she wanted counseling, but Jon told her "Get a lawyer"! And despite Jon saying that he got tired of all of the attention, I think what he really got tired of was being "Jon & Kate Plus 8". He seems fine with just "Jon"! He's always in the public eye and posing for pictures now with some new young tramp and he doesn't seem to mind the attention at all!

Anonymous said...

I saw the most heart wrenching picture of Kate and the kids. There was Kate all by herself with the 8 kids stretched out on a blanket and that little Cara(the oldest & nicest twin) looked completely devastated staring into space. I had read that when she learned her parents were divorcing that she cried like a baby and her mom had to rock her in her arms like a newborn baby. Poor kids! Kate also looks devastated. Only Jon is smiling and excited about all of this. What does that tell you?

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the posts about jon. He is immature and needs to realize that no matter how much "he" thinks his life sucks, it still has to go on for his children. He siad it was all for his kids so why is he spending his money on another woman. No matter is she is a classy sheek gal or a pot head drunk, he still should be saving his money to support his children now that the two are divorcing. Its a sad story. Jon is a loser and kate is a great mom. I have always liked her, now I see what she had to go through to raise 9 children so I do not blame her.

Anonymous said...

Jon bought his new girlfriend a ring that costs $180,000 dollars. I also saw 2 gold stud earrings in his ears. Would someone tell me why the Govenor of PA is paying for his kids college educations? If he has this kind of money to throw away and doesn't even haul his pathetic rump to a job every day, let HIM pay for his 8 kids freakin' education instead of the taxpayers! I'm not a resident of PA, but if I was, I would be writing somewhere to make my voice heard. Why are we rewarding him cause he chose to have 6 kids at once? He and Kate are making substantial money. How about giving the money to someone who has 6 kids, works every day and still can't afford to send their kids to college!

Anonymous said...

Puleeze! Jon Gosselin is such a fake! I think he's a self-centered, egotistical sociopath who doesn't truly care about anyone but himself. There's no way in hell you could go from being a devoted, church going, second time wedding vow taking family man to a bar hopping, adultery commiting, skirt chasing "player" in the span of a few months! He was playin' Kate even when they were taping the earlier shows pretending to be the happy family. The Jon you're seeing now, this is the REAL Jon Gosselin. The one behind the mask! He's just sorry he got caught! Kate was smart to divorce him. She has 8 kids to take care of by herself and can ill afford to contract AIDS or some other dreaded disease from this lowlife piece of trash that thinks he's God's gift to women.

Anonymous said...

I heard Jon bought his new zygote an "engagement" ring which featured a skull surrounded by 4 diamonds. Is this true? Is he some punk grunge guy that got trapped by Kate? All I can say is Ick!

Anonymous said...

The "Ick" is true, I've seen the chick. He did buy the ring too, but he's claiming it's not an engagement ring. But, he also claimed on national t.v. that he wasn't cheating on Kate and that turned out to be a lie too. So who knows. I hear when he is with the kids, he is on his cell phone 24-7 probably talking to "Gidget" or some other young chick who's looking for 15 minutes of fame.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Kate trapped him. They were both young, he was wild unambitious living with his mother with no real career or goals, she was pretty and well educated and knew what she wanted. Kate wanted kids, he needed a mother. Things haven't changed much have they? I think the reason Jon keeps picking the 20 year olds is because he's trying to pick up where he left off before he married Kate. I think the one he is dating--not engaged to--now is better suited to Jon. They are both trash!

Anonymous said...

I dont live in near them but I watch there show.I agree Jon is a loser now I use to feel sorry for how he was treated by Kate. But now I see why she talk to him like she did I mean he walks around like he is somebody high class and he aint.I give Kate kidos for still being about her kids and not running around like her low class soon to be ex husband Jon.I can see he barely has been around the kids he cares more about the trashy low life women then his 8 kids who im sure is wondering why there dad isnt around anymore.I see now why he is back show starts back up next Monday he gotta earn his money to spend on the trashy women wonder when the last time he spent his money on his kids.

suemny said...

So, now Jon is hanging out in the Hamptons with Michael Lohan? This is his current role model? Yikes! I knew Jon was dumb, but not that dumb. Talk about one leech latching on to another! Jon's father is probably rolling over in his grave over his son's current behavior. Jon's extended 15 minutes of fame will run out one day, and all he will have left to show for it is a drawer full of ugly tee shirts and an estrangement from the kids he professes to love so much! When the money runs out he will be wishing he had worked things out with Kate, who seems to be more level-headed. But displaying her woeful self by hanging out in the front yard with her kids is a pure play for sympathy. She WANTS the paparazzi to photograph her all alone with her at me, all alone with my children, while their father is whoring around all over the world. If she truly cherised her privacy, she would have taken the kids into the BACK yard for their campout..where the cameras couldn't get any pics. They certainly have enough property, don't they? They are both using the media to air their own personal agendas. Unfortunately, the kids get caught up in the mess. I wonder how Maddy and Cara will deal with the comments they are sure to hear from schoolmates when they go back to school in Sept.? I am a teacher and know how cruel and insensitive kids can be. It's too bad J and K haven't truly thought about how what's going on will affect their kids over the long haul. I'll tell you one thing...there is bound to be a ton of resentment from the kids down the road, especially from Cara and Maddy, over having all of their dirty linen hung out for the whole world to see. J and K really are pretty selfish, self-centered people. I feel sorry for the kids, who will pay the ultimate price.

Anonymous said...

J& K have managed to dissolve the relationship the kids had with their Aunt Jodi & Uncle Kevin who allowed them to just be kids. I also don't see any of the family friends like Beth & Nanna Janet who would help out with family outings and babysit. These have been replaced by nannies and famous t.v. personalities. When they're with Kate, she's either stretched out asleep on a blanket or posing in her bikinis for the paparzzi. When they're with Jon, he's on his phone talking with his girlfriends or self-absorbed in his own pleasures checking his watch waiting for his visits to be up. These kids appear to be kept isolated from other kids their ages but, I'm sure Maddy & Cara will be bombarded with cruel comments and remarks about the antics of their famous parents when school starts. Having to deal with this on top of the long filming hours, (until 9:00 p.m.) they have these poor 8 kids putting in will be more stress than any child can handle. The kids are already showing signs of emotional distress, crying at a moment's notice without provocation. I feel very sorry for these children as well.

Anonymous said...

I wish those of you that have such an extreme dislike for the family would stop writing about them. Does it really make you feel better to pass judgment on a situation your are not witnessing with your own two eyes? If you don't like them, then stop writing about them, stop buying or reading the tabloids. You are just adding to the frenzy.

As far as them 'raping' anyone I find that it is in very poor taste to use that word in a situation like this. They just happen to be the family that was fortunate enough to become a hit by letting people in to every aspect of their lives.

I think most of you are just bitter because you didn't think of it first!

Go take your anger out by doing something worthwhile - read to the blind, run errands for the elderly, write to a soldier. I am sure you will feel more satisfied after that type of exercise than running your mouth here.

FionaNotThatOne said...

Anon 6.21: Take your own advice. STFU.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6.21: We are witnessing it! And firsthand too I might add! It stares at us from every magazine at the grocery checkout and it is even featured on respectable, credible programs like the "Today" show. Even close family members who are close to the matter have spoken out about the matter. "Raping" IS a good word to use since they are "forcing" these kids to do this show "without their consent". If you can't tolerate people exercising their civil right of "freedom of speech" and voicing their opinion, just as you have "expressed your opinion" then you should take your own freakin' advice and stay off the freakin' site. That's what it's here for, to express our opinions!

Anonymous said...

To Anon 6.21: Who the hell are "you" to pass judgment on the folks who choose to express themselves about the gross exploitation of 8 innocent children by their parents in their self indulgent quest for wealth and fame? You sound like you're the bitter one because you can't control other people's thoughts & actions. Who are you? someone who benefits financially from the show, Kate's manicurist, or one of Jon's latest bimbos?

suemny said...

I thought this site was designed for people to express their opinions about Jon and Kate. Anony certainly expressed hers (his?), but tells others not to? Jon and Kate became "fair game" once they exposed themselves and their family to public scrutiny by allowing cameras into their home to film their day to day life. And they certainly have been compensated monetarily, haven't they? I would guess that a couple of years ago they never considered being able to buy a million dollar home or spend $10,000 a week for a North Carolina beach house! You have to take the good with the bad. They're paying a huge price for the fame and money; they just don't see how big a price they will be paying in the long run. They both are equally at fault for the mess they find themselves in. Kate was a bossy, nagging control freak. When Jon finally had his fill of being the wuss of a husband, he jumped ship and is trying to live the life of the carfree bachelor, willing to jump in the sack with all of these losers and hangers-on who are looking for their 15 minutes of fame. Call it what he wants...moving forward or whatever, but he is setting a terrible example for his kids.

Anonymous said...

To the person who wrote in stating that "rape" was too strong of a word to use for what Jon/Kate are doing to their kids. How about "child prostitution" then? Is that better? These 8 children are being "screwed" by their "Jons/Johns" (no pun intended)who in this case happen to be their own parents, in exchange for money, most of which they don't get to keep. Who cares if the words being used to describe what they are doing to these kids is viewed as "too strong" by others. It is what it is. If you want the sugarcoated/watered down version, stay off this site and find Kate's.

Anonymous said...

I dont feel sorry for John and Kate,they chose to have 6 kids at one time.I raised 6 kids of my own without help.Get a grip.When the show first started I believe Ty Pennington did a makeover on their house in Allentown.Guess it wasnt good enough for the princess.Most people have to work every day and will never even get close to making in one year what they get in a week.I personally am tired of hearing about them.What did they think was going to happen if you take fertility drugs.

Anonymous said...

The Primetime interview that Jon did this week only served to reinforce the fact that he is an immature, irresponsible deadbeat dad who wanted his freedom from the responsibilities of marriage and fatherhood. The "adulterous fatboy" who by all accounts is losing points in the court of public opinion as to whose fault the divorce is, attempted to portray himself as the victim. He openly stated he "despises" Kate for verbally abusing him and justifies his wild lifestyle by stating he became a father of 8 by the time he was 27. Well, that's what happens when you take fertility drugs. Not only is this guy an amoral piece of trash, he is also a moron. He further states that he loves his new girlfriend, the "Girls Gone Wild" reject and daughter of Kate's plastic surgeon, more than he loved Kate and how fast his heart beats when he sees her. He wants us to believe this "just happened and wasn't planned". This guy was lusting after this "Amy Fisher protege" when Kate was recuperating from her tummy tuck in her surgeon's home. How else could one go from filing for divorce to being deeply in love in the span of a couple of months? Then he says that Kate is still wearing her wedding ring because she is looking for sympathy and he doesn't wear his because 'Kate took it'. The interview was nothing but a lot of incoherent, nonsensical rambling. Reminded me of a 7 year old who broke a window, still had the rock in his hand and was denying he had anything to do with it. "Jon, what brand of crack are you smoking?" Kate should file for full custody!

suemny said...

Wow, how far this couple have come in just a few short months! The insults and accusations are flying. Jon turned out to be a not-too-bright immature hormonal teenager. Kate is a manipulative, money-hungry prima donna. Sadly, neither of them are putting their kids first. Jon's first priority is trying to spite Kate and hop into the sack with anything that has a pulse. Kate is gimme, gimme, gimme, while trying to portray herself in the media as the poor abandoned wife. Greed and narcisissm have overtaken these two, who are totally caught up in their 15 minutes of fame. Neither of them are displaying any redeeming qualities lately. The biggest losers are those 8 kids. Their lives are in turmoil. It will be interesting to see how they are a couple of years from now. I hope there is money set aside for therapy; those kids are going to need it. It's unortunate that the courts did not appoint someone to look out for the kids financial futures right from ther begining. Kate's "trust funds" for each kid appears to be a paltry $10,000 apiece. That will barely pay for one year at a community college! Jon and Kate are spending every dime that rightfully belongs to those kids. They were the reason people tuned in to watch the show, not to watch Kate emasculate Jon, or to watch Jon act like the family doormat. Once the lawyers and other vultures are done with them there will be nothing left for Jon and Kate to fight over!

erica23 said...

i think that the whole thing is sad. i love the least i used to when they did fun things with the kids.ever since they got that new house the show consists of jon and kate talking about their love is just not exiting anymore.i am sad to see the show go.but i think it was best for the kids.but i am not them so i don't know if it good or bad for them.i think that they will miss the crew.but i think that they will have more time to be seems from the show that the sextuplets get a lot more attention from the parents and the world then the twins.the show would be nothing if it wasn't for the sextuplets.but i feel for the twins.i really do.i hope that they can have a normal or close to normal teenage life.i am a teen and i don't think that i would want to be in their shoes right is just really sad.