Monday, August 3, 2009

Kate getting sympathy? Hell no!

Not on this blog!

CNN is reporting that more people will sympathize with Kate. I call bullshit.

That cheap bitch used the Coleman equipment for the show and was caught sending it back. Tell me this isn't for show. What if the kids want to camp again? Didn't anyone want to give you an endorsement Kate? Didn't you have a coup?


Anonymous said...

"" Jon & Kate Plus 8 Without Pity "" ???

No sympathy for the "cheap bitch " in this cespool, huh? Really??? . LOL

This vile blog says more about its snarky creator than it does the people
it tries to tear down. To devote so much time and energy to
viciously hating these quasi-celebrities is dysfunctional and disturbing.
Go validate your pitiful existence by doing something positive; you
might find it more rewarding.

IOW, Get a life ya malcontented parasites!

gwop2009 said...

Pot meet kettle. For someone who thinks we should all get a life and do something else instead of blog about the fucked up bitch Kate is and the stupid asshole Jon is, you seem to be pretty vested in whining about the blog.

What does that say about you? Why don't YOU go do something else? You're a bit of a stalker sending so many messages over a 6 month period with the same message. You seem obsessed and dysfuntional. IOW, suck it.