Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We have lots of Gosselin Joy!

First, let's just be clear. Even though the kids are suffering, the show must go on. I seriously think that filming has NEVER stopped.

Moving on to the other media..... Check out a PA couple with 12 kids... they have reality all under control. Picking your veggies for dinner and making do with a really old minivan. That's reality.

Let's all cry a bucket of tears for Cunt Kate. Cunt Gosselin's clothing line is COMPLETELY on hold. Finally!

And cry a few for Jon.... his Ed Hardy clothing line seems to be on hold. BWHAHAHAHAHA. But the fun part was that Jon was going to do a kid's clothing line...... prostituting the kids as much as Kate.

Does the weekend press have anything to do with this? Apparently, Hailey was a bit of a slut in college, giving it away to anyone who would have it anywhere. She and Jon seem to be inseperable and seem to love smoking a lot. Hailey is reportedly pissed about the whole idea that she is being portrayed a drunken slut.

Glimpses of this week's hotter news:
Life and Style writes about Kate being 'forced out of her house". I thought it was all for the kids?
US Magazine: Kate wears her ring and a fugly hat while pumping....gas.
InTouch says that Kate is heartbroken over Steve.

More to come!

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