Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Oh sweet, sweet karma...

So far, nothing major from the normal outlets about Kate and Jon. Sweet Karma.

In fact, the only piece of fluff so far is from Monday in Life and Style magazine.

"With 10.6 million viewers watching, Jon and Kate Gosselin announced the end of their 10-year marriage in the June 22 episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8. Soon after the show aired, the couple separately released statements vowing to put their kids first. "As always," Kate said, "my first priority remains our children." Jon echoed the sentiment: "My job is to be the best, most supportive and loving father I can be."

Since then, however, it seems only one of them means it. Kate is now acting as both mother and father to the couple's eight children, according to several sources, while Jon has been doing precious little to help her."Jon hasn't been seen at the house much since he and Kate announced the divorce," a witness tells Life & Style.

I don't necessarily believe that, as he's been seen playing with them this whole week at the house. However, playing is no the same as helping raise kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's coming up on 4th of July weekend. I'll bet they're already had a big fight over how the holiday will be celebrated, and Kate probably put her foot down about leaving, so Jon won't be able to bring one or more of his smarmy whores to the house to light fireworks.

I think Jon is hanging out in his pad over the garage, keeping a low profile.