Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday Juice: Exploiter/Exploited

It's that time again- I will post a link to the scans if and when they become available.

You'll want to read the full scoop at the respective websites. Highlights below. (Red is my comment)

People Magaine:

Jon Gosselin Speaks Out
By Kate Coyne

By the time Jon Gosselin arrives at the Manhattan offices of his attorneys, he looks like he's been through a war. Only when he realizes that he's reached this room without being caught by photographers does he crack a smile. (Smug as though he's pulling one over on everyone. ) "All of them are sitting at my house and I'm here," he says, with some satisfaction, of the paparazzi. "I swoop in and swoop out." (Oh yes, Jon, you are so crafty. )

Lately Jon could be forgiven for wanting to disappear entirely. (I don't think so. He's scum of his own making.) Under attack ever since he was caught leaving a bar at 2 a.m. with another woman, the 32-year-old star of the TLC reality hit Jon & Kate Plus Eight – which chronicles his life with wife Kate, 34, their 8-year-old twins and 5-year-old sextuplets – has seen his family become the target of choice for the tabloids. (Maybe because you put them out there for it, Jon, and you refuse to do anything to fix or change it?)

But while Kate spoke openly to PEOPLE in May about the perilous state of her marriage, confessing that "Jon is confused and struggling with a lot of different things," Jon himself is cautious about being too candid. (Because he has a tangled web of lies that is about ready to break. If he continues to talk, as they say.... give them enough rope and they eventually hang themselves.)

Except when the subject turns to his children. "Exploited?," asks Jon. "I don't even want to use that word, because I think it's ridiculous," he says heatedly. Jon insists his children's happiness will remain his focus – even if keeping them happy means quitting the show. (Then QUIT already and prove your dedicatation to the kids. BTW, Jonny, the definition of exploit is "to make use of meanly or unfairly for one's own advantage". That pretty much fits you and Kate.)

Us Magazine: Kate ignored kids on the last trip according to US Magazine.

According to several fellow vacationers, Kate Gosselin didn't pay her eight kids much attention on their getaway to Bald Head Island, N.C., when the camera crew wasn't around - even though she pulled twin daughters Madelyn and Cara, 8, out of school for the for-TV trip.

See what Kate Gosselin looked like in high school

Between texting on her phone and huddling with her bodyguard Steve Neild (with whom husband Jon once feared she was having an affair), "she completely ignored her children the entire time," fellow vacationer Ann Michele Sweeney tells the newest issue of Us Weekly.

"When Kate sat on the edge of the pool, she told one of [the twins], 'If you splash me, you're dead meat,'" Sweeney says. "She was not joking at all."

The child's response?

"She said, 'Mommy, you are mean!'" Sweeney says.

For more on how Kate threw a "hissy fit" near her $1,807-a-night rental home (with two media rooms!), how her kids broke her rules by eating food off the ground, her strange food requests, and what Kate's high school classmates have to say about her -- pick up the newest issue of Us Weekly, on stands today. (This sounds like good juice!)

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