Thursday, June 18, 2009

More info

FoxPhilly is reporting that a split may be announced. The article cites Kate as stating they've made some "recent" decisions. If it is a split- it isn't recent except for the cams. We all know Jon Boy has a contract that says he can play and he's been shacking up with whatever whore will have him.

If they are finally splitting- where are the separation/divorce papers and who is getting the kids and the money?!

Gosselin Split May BeAnnounced

TLC is now promoting a "big announcement" by Jon and Kate Gosselin Monday about a life-changing decision.

The cable network has reportedly scrapped a Mother's Day show for next Monday for anothe special one-hour edition of the show.

Its last one-hour special drew neary 10 milion viewers. Since then, "Jon & Kate" has lost 70 percent of its audience in the ratings.

But now, the network is strongly hinting that the Gosselins are splitting up or making another decision about their marriage.

The TV commercials for Monday's upcoming show feature captions like "“A Family in Turmoil” and “Jon and Kate have an announcement.”

Kate Gosselin says in the promo that, “Recently, we’ve made some life changing decisions. Decisions that will affect every member of our family, ones that we hope will bring each of us some peace.”

The family of 10 lives near Reading, Pa., and have swamped by media after allegations of infidelity in the marriage.

The show is also under investigation in Pennsylvania for violating child-labor laws.


Anonymous said...

Scrapped a Mother's Day episode that had been scheduled for Father's day weekend!LOL Well as we know Jon doesn't count he never did OR is he refusing to show up for TLC?
So what divorce related freebies will they be gunning for this episode?? Single seater cars? Frozen organic meals for one? make-overs? relaxing trips? Speed dating vouchers!?

booboo said...

yeah, yeah, whatever this "big" announcement is I am sure it is about 95% bullshit. I am so sick
of hearing about them, wish they would all just go away...

Denise said...

TLC is desperate due to plummeting ratings. They hope the public will fall for another fake promo.

Get this family off TV and into counseling.

Denise said...

Kate was supposed to appear at a Healthy Kids Expo in Canada. Uh-oh!!

We are pleased to announce that we are the brand new owners of the Healthy Kids Expo and Holistic World Expo (April 2010) and we are enthusiastically taking this into a new direction. Part of this change is our speaker's line-up and Kate Gosselin will not be on the program. We have some outstanding speakers and chefs who will be providing a high energy, interactive program and we hope you will make plans now to participate!

Unknown said...

Maybe its about Jon's new smoking habit? Really I just smell a new publicity stunt to get all the viewers back to watch the sham of a family.

Anonymous said...

My final comment on this matter -- and then I need to focus our upcoming vacation -- if TLC/Gosselins have cooked up this whole marriage-on-the-rocks scenario to boost ratings, shame on them!

Our family has been discussing cutting off Cable TV entirely so as to have more money for dance and music lessons. I will add this situation as evidence that there is very little of value on the airwaves that is worth our hard-earned cash.

Thanks for your blog! It's been highly enlightening.

Sue in Pgh

gwop2009 said...

Denise, Does anyone know why she was cut?

Anon (Sue), Ty. We've talked about ditching cable as well. We don't really have any TV shows that we really watch (well, except for the ones I blog about. And I am sure I could find those online).

Anonymous said...

My guess is . . . it won't be a divorce announcement. This show has cancelled written all over it. So while I'm guessing TLC told J&K that the show was getting s*#t canned, they will be allowed to announce that they (J&K) have decided to end the show . . . for the sake of the kids, of course. Meanwhile, Kate probably has her sights on some other exploitation scheme while Jon, well, he'll be soon selling Allstate insurance rather than hawking it on TV.

gwop2009 said...

You think Jon would be that motivated to sell insurance? Especially one that he shilled for? :)