Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jon screwed is GF on Kate's birthday!

It seems slut Jon and 'ho Deanna were clutching each other in Utah on Kate's birthday. The trip "just happened to fall on her birthday."

Jon, you are so checked out. Just grow a pair and get a divorce. You seem pretty passive aggressive and you're screwing your chances to get the kids. Oh, that's right, you don't want them.

News flash, Jon. If your "actions" you apologize for include hanging out with girls almost young enough to be your daughter, then WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING IT? Dumbass.

Read about the two sloths at US Magazine.


MomofDNA said...

Not trying to defind him or anything, but Kate's birthday was in March, long before he he still seeing this girl or is he behaving himself?

gwop2009 said...

He's been seen with Kate's plastic surgeon's wife and young daughter. Could mean something, could be nothing. I would think though he'd err on the side of caution and distance himself from those situations. But apparently he was shaken too much as a small child.