Monday, May 18, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus 8 ----- and a movie?!?

The Chicago Sun Times is reporting that Jon and Kate are in negotiations to bilk the public for more green in a made for TV movie about their rise to notoriety.

Jon & Kate: the movie?
Parents of 8 may turn their scandals into a book and film
May 18, 2009
BY BILL ZWECKER Sun-Times Columnist

Just when we thought we'd heard enough of reality TV stars Jon and Kate Gosselin, their eight kids, the hoopla over those affairs and the reported breakup of their marriage -- there's now more.

I've learned the couple are not feuding as much as they are putting on and are quietly negotiating yet another deal.

The Gosselins supposedly are going to work with a ghostwriter to pen a book about their very public leap into the nation's consciousness -- a book that will then be turned into a TV movie.
Think about it: A small-screen flick, inspired by a small-screen reality show.

No word on who would be considered to play Jon and Kate, ''but it's likely it will be two unknown actors, picked for physical similarities to the Gosselins," said a source at TLC, the cable channel that airs the couple's hit show ''Jon & Kate Plus Eight.'

"Unknown," quipped the source, "kind of like Kate and Jon were before this all started."


Anonymous said...

I'd watch if it was animated! Picture Kate's hair in comic book colour shaking as she's ranting at Jon and the children.
The cleaning the fridge scene will be even better a second time around... Yawn

Kate said...

BabyMama should play Kate. On second thought, she would probably want to "be" Jon, if you know what I mean.