Monday, March 2, 2009

O-tay or more lies?

Radar Online claims that everything is okey dokey with Jon and Kate. Methinks he doth protest too much! Or maybe it's just another public emasculation from Kate that's got his knickers in a twist!


Anonymous said...

Why the holy crap are they addressing this weeks later, instead of the Philly mag article?

Why am I even allowing myself to be surprised by this nonsense?

gwop2009 said...

I think if they have to address THIS rumor out of all of them that there is smoke and fire, if you know what I mean.

If they are so concerned about rumors, why don't they address some about abuse or Kate and her surly attitude?

Denise said...

"I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

Ring a bell?

Travis Noodle said...

Damage control....

gwop2009 said...

Denise- you've pretty much hit that one dead on! :) Maybe Jon just played "slap and tickle".

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he had to ask Kate for his balls back before he went out bar-hopping?

sistah2 said...

With the Star article, and now the Intouch article, this boat is officially sinking. Wouldn't be surprised if the sponsors start distancing themselves, and the churches too....then there's Kate's next book PR push, in which I'm sure she wont answer any hard questions..this is getting good.

gwop2009 said...

It's a shame that they couldn't have come out with this stuff either when Multiple Blessings first came out or when the new book push came out. PR is scrambling I am sure. And I bet she doesn't take any questions about Jon's infidelity during her talks!