Tuesday, January 13, 2009

True or Not? Aunt Jodi speaks again?

Supposedly Aunt Jodi has taken up blogging--- I don't believe it.


starsinmybelly said...

thanks for posting this! I have always been curious about the Aunt Jodi exit...she was one of my faves on there...so I guess in a way I hope it is her...I probably commented on there without thinking first...I will certainly eat my words if it's a poser...I am too trusting...ugh! Anyways...I will follow it and see what comes of it.

Thanks again!

gwop2009 said...

I'd eat my words if the blog belonged to Aunt Jodi, but I just don't believe it.

Anonymous said...

LOL - it's a Kate sheeply pulling a "kon" job - and a very bad one at that. Jodi would never diss her sister in such a public manner.

starsinmybelly said...

I don't think we will ever know...it seems like it's just going to be a one post blog....I am thinking you were probably right...I'll get the ketchup and the fork for myself :)

Anonymous said...

I read that blog. I don't believe it either. And the comments are getting pretty nasty!

gwop2009 said...

I think a few people just can't handle the truth. :)

porkrind said...

Boy those people from GDNNOP are really defensive and underhanded! I am sure that blog is just a huge experiment by them to get attention or to prove some stupid point they think they have. Morons!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Jodi did not write this! It's just the Jon and Kate PR machine at work disseminating propaganda.