Monday, January 5, 2009's Stargazing reports on Mady Debauchle

From the Stargazing section of

"......How dare he

Back on Dec. 18, Jarett Wieselman of posted a list of his 10 most useless TV characters. Mohinder Suresh of “Heroes” was his No. 1, but No. 10 was Mady Gosselin from “Jon & Kate Plus 8.” Mady is one of the twins in that TLC reality show about a family with eight very young children. Wieselman suggested Mady’s behavior will “make anyone consider sterilization” and “she possesses every quality — selfish, egocentric, whiner — that parents would use genetic testing to eradicate if it were an option.”

The responses from readers have been rolling in ever since. Just a few samples:

•“Mady Gosselin is a real child, not a TV character, and for an adult to write such vicious comments is beyond despicable. You should tear into Mady’s mother, Kate Gosselin, for letting her child’s behavior be shown on national TV. Anything for a buck, right Kate?”

•“Mady is forced to perform in a goldfish bowl, and she obviously does not want to perform any longer, but her parents could care less. They want $$$$ more than they care about their own children.”

•“If I were Mady I would be doing anything to get the attention of someone who would LISTEN TO MEEEEE for once, too, someone who could make the cameras go away. (Her) greedy lazy parents are to blame, and they should be the No. 1 most useless people on your list.”

Of course, not everybody was outraged. One person wrote “crybabies, the lot of you. Mady stinks on ice.”

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