Monday, January 12, 2009

1/12 All Smiles

They are running out of things to do shows on. It isn't like their kids have anything out of the ordinary going on- it is all about the quantity of kids, not the issues surrounding them. Every kid goes to a dentist of orthodontist. Oh well, so here we go-- cue the shite music....

Kate immediately gets bitchy with the kids making noise. And then the chosen child is called Muffy now. Again with the yelling and screaming in the dentist chair.

And even though these kids have the motor skills.... the parents still brush teeth....... but even so, Mady has crappy teeth (according to Kate).

As Kate sat, stumbling over words, the chosen child waved to the camera and then abruptly stopped as though she was breaking the spell of TV by acknowledging the camera's presence-- what will happen when she has no one to which to wave? But the dream did not go on forever. All knowing Kate "criticized" the dentist for not having up to date books. They still go to Dr. Gosselin's old practice. Wonder if it's free..... Kate whimped about the kids actually doing something for themselves-- having conversations with adults (what do you expect Kate, when they aren't around anyone but themselves?) and picking flavors (a-duh). And the chosen child on the confessional couch gets a special kiss....

We've learned yet another new word from Kate-- are-ange. For us simple folk that would be orange. Of course we had more special couch moments between Kate and the chosen child. The kids seemed to get good reports-- yeah, cause the parents are doing the brushing. But basically the back and the front teeth needed help-- all of them. Kate took credit for it all, although she told Jon what he needed to improve upon when he brushed the kids teeth (whilst she gets liquored up no doubt).

Then it was on to the orthodontist. The twins went in for teeth issues..... of course right off the bat, Kate said she'd have problems with Mady at the doctor. But of course she did mention that the kids have "numerous friends in the classroom" (not allowed at home) who have gone to the orthodontist. Again, it is a family friend orthodontist- more freebies!

Cara went first, then Mady for Xrays. While Katie Irene reminenced about her braces day, she just wanted to know if her mouth looked thinner..... whatever, drama queen. (Notice that Kate has on very, very baggy pants and this week, the tummy is covered.) Kate teased unmercifully about what work Mady would need done. Nothing like torturing your child while the chosen child giggles in approval - and you encourage her!

Back to the twins. Mady has a crossbite and is left-handed! Of course when the orthodontist said she needed to do better......... I loved the doctor saying they put in 8 chairs just for Kate--- I don't think the dr. liked Kate. Good for the doctor!

Mady said she doesn't like her teeth. Kate had to say that the doctor had to spend lots of time reviewing Mady's pics. Mady gets a retainer or braces- Cheap Kate went for the braces.

Cara doesn't get braces until around twelve- if then.

Jon had to criticize Mady's smile. At least Kate said she'd have a pretty smile again. Wow. Who scripted that?!


Anonymous said...

I work in the ortho field and am a faithful watcher of Jon and Kate plus 8...apparrently you are not at all aware of the issues truly going on in these kids' mouths and what can happen in the long term. I'm sorry you haven't done any research on the subject obviously. You may not agree with this family, but they are doing the best thing for each individual child. We would recommend the same treatment as they did.

gwop2009 said...

I don't believe this writing was critical of the treatment, only Kate's approach. I am sure the children have many things going on in their mouths which need attention. Obviously, you can't read between the lines that I wrote. Kate is a simpering bitch and her attitude sucks. She should know that a retainer is far more kid friendly than someone calling you "metal mouth". Kate loves to use Mady as a mental punching bag and giving her something to make kids ostracize her more makes Kate happy.

I won't even go into the Anonymous bit w/o credentials-obviously.