Sunday, December 14, 2008

From TWOP to Gosselins Do Not Need Our Pity- Balanced or Argumentative?

TWOP's discussion board shut down earlier this year due to serious mudslinging. Recently, a moderator, Guinevere, on Gosselins do not need our Pity stated she was instrumental in bringing the board down. Additionally, she admits she has a "weird need to argue with strangers about the lives of the Gosselins". How does arguing make it a "balanced discussion of the show" (according to the site's own FAQ)? Arguing is not debate. Debate is the equalizer. I know for a fact many people have submitted comments that were pro or con toward the show that were not published, even though they were not inflammatory.

It seems GDNNOP is in need of a vocabulary lesson when it comes to what their blog is--- which brings me to the next point-- the mission. The owners swear they haven't got one. But according to Merriam Webster a mission is "a body of persons sent to perform a service or carry on an activity". I guess they do have a mission after all.

Perhaps we should all take pity on them and point them towards a dictionary for Christmas!


Anonymous said...

I'd say they are argumentative! I made one comment and it was an all out witch (warlock) hunt. Some poor soul was accused of being me. LOL

Anonymous said...

The GDNNOP women are a bunch of nutty, hypocritical, uneducated whackjobs. Probably all dried up and brittle-- even their many cats run away from them.

Anonymous said...

GDNNOP has a mission. It's one to whine and cry about not being number one. I think they identify with Kate in that they feel entitled to be stars. I try and stay away from the insane as they can be unsafe so I've not been there in a long time.
I think the little forum on the Princes MC board are just as hypocritical as GDNNOP. I think posters go back and forth from those two places to tell you the truth.