Monday, November 24, 2008

Recap: Yard Sale

This annoying episode starts off with Kate justifying how they're going to host a yard sale and come out like roses after they sell off the stuff that was donated to them. They sent a check to a not for profit. Oh Kate, you are so good.

Kate went on to rag on Jon for not wanting to get rid of stuff his dad gave him and when he tried to explain, she said "Awooogie-woogie-woooo" to him. WTF?!

The day of the sale arrived--- and Kate had Carla to help arrange everything at the local church. They got up and left at 6am to get set up (I am sure Carla arranged everything). Oh no, Kate!! No tables!!!! No one to help!!!!! So she had to wait... and boy did she get shitty...... (Who was with the kids Kate? Jenny?)

Finally! Tables arrived and Kate whined about the tables being dirty and dog chewed. Kate got shitty with Jon about unloading their ex-freebie gear. Somewhere in the great scheme Jon mutters, "It's going to be too cold for the little ones". Kate had signs made and someone misspelled "proceeds"--- and she wanted ALL of them thrown out because "I can't have stinkin' misspellings!!"

Back to the tables-- they had to have them covered and they just ROLLED coverings onto them. Jon (of course) went back to the house to get the kids, so they could experience the "giving back". Riiiiiight. It didn't cost YOU anything, but you'll be sure to give back. (Notice the kids now have Crocs. No cheap imitations for them!)

The yard sale didn't seem to be going well in the beginning.....and cut to commercial.

Kate has a wide range of emotions-- "irritating" and "panicking" and "angry". So off the put yet another sign out to guide people to the yard sale. WLAN was called to get people to go to the yardsale. How nice for her.

Enter the 'tups. Aww how sweet, they went down memory lane... and played with their old toys. *yawn* Give it up, folks... the cute factor is gone. Now they are just whiny.

Then the truth comes out--- Poppi's Xmas ornaments were going to be sold because they dripped glitter all over-- doesn't help Kate's problem with mess and dirty. She also had a problem with Jon forgetting the kids' lunches... "Aren't men lovely?" says Kate. Jon made a speedy exit from Kate. Smart, smart, man.

And of course, they had a "take a pic with me for a donation". Sure it was.

At the end of the day, they made $1106.56. Many items went to Salvation Army and Goodwill. That's a tax write-off for the Gosselins. Good to give back.

Monday: 11/24 Yard Sale

Jon and Kate have realized how much they've accumulated over the last four years and have decided it's time to clean house and hold a Gosselin-sized yard sale!
Source: TLC

Friday, November 21, 2008

Where have you seen Kate and Jon?

Recently, the media has had a feeding frenzy with Kate and Jon. Everything from horrendous commercials advertising the show to VTech, Kmart and lame recipe "articles" (more like filler).

There have been reports she's in a Clorox commercial and a Fresh Gormet Organic Stuffing commercial.

Where have YOU seen the Shillers, er Gosselins?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

National Enquirer reports Jon and Kate buy $1.3 M house!

Hello children! According to the 12/1 National Enquirer there is an article by Sarah Cordes that confirms Jon and Kate have purchased a $1.3M home.

While the rest of us are struggling, the Gosselins are living large in their new home and passing around a plate to collect "love offerings" (Cash under the table is easier to dispose of-- unless the churches/organizations are 1099ing them) AND they are still offering $20 photos.

According to the article, the G's don't talk about 'being broke' anymore, nor do they talk about a personal organic chef, nannies, housekeepers, a gardener and a personal assistants!

Still, one person quoted in the article said: "While they're not the struggling couple they were in the early days of their TV show, they're not really rich." and "one day the TV cameras will be gone and they'll be raising their family out of the spotlight. And with eight kids, their needs will be great."

Can anyone say "baaaaaaa" to the sheeple?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kate asked for gifts???

Yes, my babies, mama's found a new way for Katie Irene to clean up:

Gosselins Without Pity:

" Anonymous said...
My husband and I were guests at Kate and Jon's wedding that took place last summer. I know it was on the television recently and I just wanted to clear up a few things. Prior to this event we never met Kate or Jon or any of their children but being that they are family we felt a special kinship towards them. A couple of months before the event we received a mailed invitation which also included a separate print out of appropriate gifts to give. I personally did not feel that was a very loving thing to do but I understand that this is something brides sometimes to do ensure that they not receive duplicates. Please keep in mind that we like many native islanders are living on a fixed income and do not have the kind of funds necessary for such extravagances. There were many scenes from the wedding that were not televised on the special. Many of the women went up to Kate and we did try to embrace her and congratulate her. Instead of smiling and accepting our words she shunned us. We also tried to show Jon a native dance however we were told by a member of the staff that put their special together that it was not a good idea. We had hoped to keep in touch with Jon as well as his wife and children however we have not heard anything from them since they left the island. We do appreciate that they thought of us and invited us to the ceremony and we also thank the hotel staff who was kind to everyone. One of the banquet ladies actually came to my table and spoke to us many times just to make small talk which was sweet.
11/19/2008 9:49 AM"

What she's done is truly mind-boggling. And tres unchic! She was renewing her vows-- not getting married. Kate is a grown woman with plenty o' cash, if the Internet isn't misleading us..... so why would she put family in that position.

And what about her stand-offish (stand-OAFish would be more appropriate) behavior? Can Katie never be happy?

I think a dance may have made the whole fiasco more tolerable!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Recap: For Better or Worse

This episode is pretty overrated by TLC. The family did the standard prenuptual things-- pedicures, hamming it up for the camera- my personal favorite was To Curl or Not to Curl. Dear, Dear Mady. Keep calling your mom out and swim, darling, swim against that tide of gimme-gimme slime that is your parents.

The actual ceremony was so staged- what? They didn't care enough to bring other family members that "couldn't/wouldn't" travel 9 years ago for the first Wedding from Hell? Again, Kate shows she is oh, so, independent by being all alone with her 'adopted' Korean family.

Give it up, TLC. Your cash cow is wearing thin. At least the Twins, Twins, Sextuplet folks have lives.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Boston Herald Article

Do you think Jon and Kate are doing their children favors?

Read about one reporter who doesn't at the Boston Herald.

‘Jon & Kate’ are doing their children no favors
By Mark A. Perigard

TLC’s favorite fertile couple renews their vows tonight.

But this wedding may have some viewers raising objections.

s the episode opens, the Gosselin clan - parents Jon and Kate, twins Mady and Cara and the 4-year-old sextuplets - are vacationing in Maui.

The parents hammer out a renewal ceremony. The girls go for pedicures. Jon meets with relatives he hasn’t seen in several years.

Even by “Jon & Kate” standards, it makes for a slim show.

Why do the couple feel the urgent need to renew their vows after only nine years of marriage? Kate tells the camera that she wants her kids to know that while not all moms and dads stay together, she and Jon are forever.

As the ceremony later demonstrates, not even the oldest girls understand the ceremony’s significance, and the youngest surely will forget it.

This cynic is forced to conclude the “wedding event” is a way to capitalize on a free vacation in Maui.

“Jon & Kate” has become increasingly about the freebies the Pennsylvania family can gather. The visits to increasingly far-flung destinations are nothing more than travel infomercials, with the kids as adorable props. Jon’s morning on a golf course here is a chore to the eyes, but he dutifully plugs the management in his armchair confessional.

If we’re rewarding people on the basis of fertility, shouldn’t the prizes go to the least blessed?
Yes, it’s kind of horrible the way Kate talks to Jon as if he’s one of the 4-year-olds.

As he samples wedding cakes tonight, Kate tells the wedding planner, “I’ll try what he decides. And then I’ll argue, if he decides wrong.”

But as my favorite relationship coach - that would be Judge Judy - would say, he picked her.

Save your concern for the children.

Mady, for example, almost has a meltdown when her mother expects her to be her maid of honor. Is she just another reality show witch? No, she’s just an 8-year-old, having a perfectly normal moment for a child - that is being broadcast to millions of homes.

The younger kids have been trailed by cameras for almost their entire lives. What does that do to a child’s perception of the world and his or her importance in it?

The kids might not mind the cameras following them now, but they’ll probably feel differently in about 10 years when their high school classmates can download footage of their potty training to their iPods.

Imagine having all your worst moments from childhood available to anyone who wanted to see them for the rest of your life.

That’s what the Gosselin children face.

Maybe it’s time for Jon and Kate to drive the cameras out of the home for some quality family time.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Monday, 11/17 For Better or Worse

Jon and Kate prove that they are more committed than ever to each other and their unique life together as parents of multiples. After almost ten years of marriage, Jon and Kate have a wedding vow renewal ceremony in Hawaii and you are cordially invited!

Source: TLC


  1. As long as Blogger is happy, I'm happy.
  2. Pro and Con opinions about the show are welcome.
  3. I reserve the right to rescind rule #1 and #2.
  4. If you don't like the site, go find someplace else to troll.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Opinion: Penn Mommy

Now that some time has passed and emotions are running less hot on the Penn Mommy issue, what is your take on it? Does it even matter?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Opinion: Gosselin 10 Website

The Gosselin's website has been called brilliant and dismissed as fluff. What do you like/hate about the site?

Opinion: Other Gosselin blogs, articles, media

For Gosselin blog, articles, media opinions that don't fit into the GWOP, GDNNOP, or Truth Breeds Hatred, here is the spot for your comment. (Be excellent to each other)

Blog Chatter: Truth breeds hatred (Julie's site)

A place where specific comments about Julie's blog are discussed. Julie, as you may remember, is Jodi's sister.

(Be excellent to each other!)

Blog Chatter: Gosselins do not need our pity

A place where specific comments about the Gosselins do not need our pity blog are discussed.
(Be excellent to each other!)

Blog Chatter: GWOP

A place where specific comments about the Gosselins without Pity blog are discussed.
(Be excellent to each other!)

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Where do you get your information?
I get my information online, through news sources, and tips.

How can I contact you?
You can use the comment feature on any post. All comments are moderated so I will see them before anything is added to the public comments.

Don't you feel bad about the things you write about the Gosselins?
Everyone and everything in the world is subject to opinions and sometimes judgements. I just call them as I see them. Maybe my opinion isn't right, but it's my opinion.

Have the Gosselin's ever contacted you?
No, and I don't expect they will. I don't really care if they do. This blog is my outlet for snark, not to make friends with people on television.

Can I write a recap or an entry for your blog?
While I welcome all viewpoints, no. If you aren't happy with the coverage your comments get, start your own blog.

Aren't you riding the coat tails of Gosselins without Pity?
This blog is completely my snark. Although I've read Gosselins without Pity and I enjoy the snark at that blog, "gwop" in my nickname refers to a group of us who have gotten together for online chat during American Idol for many years and who have nicknamed ourselves the Great Women of Online Prattle (gwop). We're planning an online event in 2009 (thus gwop2009).

But isn't your site just like Gosselins without Pity?
The GWOP website is about child advocacy and restricts itself to the show and the family. Even though the moderators say they don't ask for verification of everything they post, they seem to only print really verifiable information, which is great for their blog. Mine is all about snark- verifiable or not!

Don't you think you're just publishing a bunch of false rumors and baiting folks on the web?
No, I don't. First, I state rumors as such- I've disproved a couple (as much as I disliked doing so). Second, these are my opinions. No one has to agree with them or read the blog.

Well, there are at least four other sites like yours! Find a different angle!
It's my blog. What you see on this site are my opinions. If you like the other sites, go there. If you don't like my opinions, you have the option to leave.

Why do you turn some comments into blog posts, but I can't contribute?
Sometimes blog comments are interesting enough for me to think beyond what I usually post. They were submitted for comments to my blog anyway, so why not highlight them?

Will you ever stop blogging about Jon and Kate?
Possibly. I have a very busy life and unless they continue to be worth the snark, I might have to move on!

Why did you purge the list of popular Gosselin sites?
I condensed them because some of the sites weren't updated regularly and others just sucked!